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  • differences in odbc load, exec - stata 13 and stata 14


    I have an SQL query in which I need to filter 23,000 different IDs.
    Understanding that SQL accepts filters of up to 1,000, I divided them into separate filters using the OR option.
    I can execute this query in Stata 13, but not in Stata 14.

    This is the error I have been facing:
    The ODBC driver reported the following diagnostics
    [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00936: missing expression

    Does anyone have any tips?
    Thank you!
    Last edited by Samantha Haussmann; 31 May 2024, 14:30.

  • #2
    Difficult to guess based upon what you've given, but Release 14 introduced Unicode, and you might want to follow that clue.

    Maybe check on the Oracle ODBC driver Unicode settings. Or check the Release 13 do-file for so-called extended-ASCII characters in it that might've got misinterpreted when you executed it in Release 14's Unicode environment.

    What exactly does it mean to "filter 23,000 different IDs" in SQL? And that you can do only a thousand at a time?

