Hello all,
I'm currently trying to create some graphs for a project, but I have come upon a problem with the legend/labels.
I'm plotting 4 simple "lines" (connected), each with a label (as you can see bellow), but I want the legend to look in a specific manner: I want just one of the labels in the first column (label 1 "Total Wealth Growth") , and the remaining 3 in the second column. Despite trying several times with "holes()" and also fake labels, I cannot get the legend to behave as I want
Thank you all,
I'm currently trying to create some graphs for a project, but I have come upon a problem with the legend/labels.
I'm plotting 4 simple "lines" (connected), each with a label (as you can see bellow), but I want the legend to look in a specific manner: I want just one of the labels in the first column (label 1 "Total Wealth Growth") , and the remaining 3 in the second column. Despite trying several times with "holes()" and also fake labels, I cannot get the legend to behave as I want
HTML Code:
twoway connected sum_terms term_1 term_2 term_3 year if year >2004, /// legend(order( 1 "Total wealth growth" 2 "Rural wealth growth" 3 "Urban wealth growth" 4 "Urbanization" ) pos(1) ring(0) /// region(lstyle(none)) /// rows(3) cols(2) ) /// msymbol(T D S S ) /// mc(navy dkgreen maroon cranberry ) /// lc(navy dkgreen maroon cranberry ) /// lpattern(soliddot longdash dash ) /// title("Growth decomposition") /// xtitle("Years") /// ytitle("{&Delta}Wealth") /// graphregion(style(none)) /// plotregion(style(none)) /// xlabel(2005(2)2014) /// ylabel(0(0.2)1.4) /// saving(decomposition , replace )
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float wealth_total double(urban_pop rural_pop total_pop) float(year wealth_rural wealth_urban fraction_urban change_fraction_urban change_wealth_urban change_wealth_rural term_1 term_2 term_3 sum_terms check_based) 22.799215 105355.723 265661.208 371016.92333984375 2004 14.159863 44.5839 .28396472 . . . . . . 0 . 23.85501 110231.71399999998 270961.071 381192.7978515625 2005 14.844296 46.00429 .28917575 .005211025 1.420391 .684433 .49007815 .403341 .1623755 1.0557947 1.0557957 24.920116 115348.57400000001 276369.931 391718.5057373047 2006 15.6357 47.16515 .29446802 .005292267 1.1608658 .7914038 .562549 .3356942 .1668623 1.0651054 1.0651054 26.03555 122364.964 283744.863 406109.8321533203 2007 16.455778 48.40319 .30131 .006842017 1.2380333 .8200779 .57859117 .3645612 .2185847 1.1617371 1.1154308 27.17939 130568.634 293085.25899999996 423653.8917236328 2008 17.290499 49.64148 .3081965 .006886452 1.2382927 .8347206 .58321095 .37311 .2227835 1.1791044 1.1438427 28.03657 136766.478 298751.732 435518.2097167969 2009 18.08564 50.02607 .3140316 .005835116 .38459015 .7951412 .5500815 .11852933 .1863761 .8549869 .8571815 28.89152 143237.864 304469.888 447707.7575683594 2010 18.878685 50.41573 .3199361 .005904466 .3896599 .793045 .54400384 .12236552 .1862094 .8525788 .8549461 29.79181 149971.719 310250.3460000001 460222.07177734375 2011 19.63157 51.04117 .3258682 .005932093 .6254425 .7528858 .5120105 .2001016 .18632467 .8984368 .9002895 30.64884 156971.99099999998 316084.609 473056.5930175781 2012 20.358894 51.58923 .331825 .005956799 .54805374 .7273235 .49031195 .17859326 .1860328 .854938 .8570328 31.503645 165295.16400000002 322755.202 488050.36083984375 2013 21.084785 52.14098 .33868465 .00685969 .551754 .7258911 .4850223 .18308575 .21303587 .881144 .854805 32.247738 172856.42200000002 328660.89699999994 501517.3151855469 2014 21.75276 52.48355 .3446669 .00598225 .3425713 .6679726 .4417405 .11602363 .1838393 .7416035 .7440929 end