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  • meqrlogit about ICC

    First of all, thank you for the advice. I ran models using stata command "meqrlogit" with 3 level.

    The most of results show the icc of level 3 be larger than level 2.

    Some result has case that the icc at level 3 be less than the icc at level 2

    icc at level 3 is 0.03779

    icc at level 2 is 0.22457

    Have you ever seen this result before??
    Last edited by Jay Jang; 31 May 2024, 00:15.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jay Jang View Post
    Have you ever seen this result before??
    Well, .. .
    version 18.0
    clear *
    // seedem
    set seed 1893061210
    quietly set obs 35
    generate byte hid = _n
    generate double hid_u = rnormal(0, 0.25)
    quietly expand 35
    generate long pid = _n
    generate double pid_u = rnormal()
    quietly expand 20
    generate byte out = rbinomial(1, invlogit(hid_u + pid_u))
    meqrlogit out || hid: || pid: , nogroup nolog
    estat icc
    Do-file and log file attached.

    1. Why do you think that the results are inadmissible?

    2. Why are you using meqrlogit instead of melogit?
    Attached Files


    • #3
      It seems I posted the wrong question. However, you still answered, and when I opened the .do file you sent, I understood it quickly. Thank you.

      I initially used 'meqrlogit' and have been using it consistently. I am also using it with 'melogit'. I wanted to present the results consistently using the same command. However, I would like to use 'melogit' in the future."


      • #4
        Why do you use meqrlogit instead of the newer melogit? Very few applications need the former with modern Stata.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jay Jang View Post
          . . . I understood it quickly. Thank you.
          You're welcome.

          I initially used 'meqrlogit' and have been using it consistently. . . . I wanted to present the results consistently using the same command. However, I would like to use 'melogit' in the future."
          I recommend switching over to to melogit.

          In working up the example that I posted above, there was a trial run (different sample size and seed) where meqrlogit had difficulties getting feasible starting values, but melogit just sailed through.

          Even with the example dataset that I posted, meqrlogit takes considerably longer to converge than does melogit, the former taking fourfold to sixfold the time-to-convergence of the latter. (Log files attached. The first is AB and the second is BA, because there is about a two-second penalty for going first—there's some latency in setting up the regression machinery.)
          Attached Files

