I'd like to develop a Gravity Model, but I'm not sure which method to use. I have seen various methods such as OLS, Fixed and Random Effects Estimation, and PPML (or the command PPMLHDFE). However, I already have the data and a general idea. First, I want to create a gravity model for an origin country and a number of countries or trade bloc members as destination countries. I plan to use trade flow (exports plus imports) as the dependent variable and include numerous independent variables such as GDP (or the product of GDPs), Remoteness (or another variable that changes over time and measures distance), Population, Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, Tariffs, Capital Stock, FDI, Employment, Sanitary Measures, and so on. I want to consider as many variables as possible. I also plan to create variables such as the absolute value of the difference of capital stock or some ratios.
Additionally, I’d like to compare the resultant gravity model of trade blocs with a bilateral gravity model that considers only the origin country and one destination country from that trade bloc. In this context, I’ve seen that each model produces different results depending on the number of countries considered. Moreover, when there are just two countries, it's not possible to include variables that don’t change over time, such as Distance or Language.
In summary, I’m uncertain about which method to use for making these comparisons and incorporating so many independent variables. I hope you can help me. Thank you.
I'd like to develop a Gravity Model, but I'm not sure which method to use. I have seen various methods such as OLS, Fixed and Random Effects Estimation, and PPML (or the command PPMLHDFE). However, I already have the data and a general idea. First, I want to create a gravity model for an origin country and a number of countries or trade bloc members as destination countries. I plan to use trade flow (exports plus imports) as the dependent variable and include numerous independent variables such as GDP (or the product of GDPs), Remoteness (or another variable that changes over time and measures distance), Population, Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, Tariffs, Capital Stock, FDI, Employment, Sanitary Measures, and so on. I want to consider as many variables as possible. I also plan to create variables such as the absolute value of the difference of capital stock or some ratios.
Additionally, I’d like to compare the resultant gravity model of trade blocs with a bilateral gravity model that considers only the origin country and one destination country from that trade bloc. In this context, I’ve seen that each model produces different results depending on the number of countries considered. Moreover, when there are just two countries, it's not possible to include variables that don’t change over time, such as Distance or Language.
In summary, I’m uncertain about which method to use for making these comparisons and incorporating so many independent variables. I hope you can help me. Thank you.