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  • Weak instrument F-stat using xtivreg

    Hi everybody,

    I am running a 2SLS using xtivreg. This is the command I am using:
    xtivreg agriculture logGDPconstantPPP MeanSchooling fertility WBL trade FDI i.year c.year#i.CountryCode_num (l.logInvestmentTotal = l.shiftshare), fe vce(cluster CountryCode_num)

    since I am including c.year#i.CountryCode_num, I can't use the xtivreg2 command. But using the xtivreg does not show me F-stats such as the Cragg-Donald (Wald F-Stat) or Kleibergen-Paap (F-stat). How can I ge those using xtivreg?

    I tried xtoverid, nois but it is "unrecognized". I also tried the ivreghdfe but it did not work.

    Can someone help?


  • #2
    Originally posted by Clara Weber View Post
    I also tried the ivreghdfe but it did not work.
    I do not know exactly what this means, but you should install the latest version of this command from

    xtset panelvar year
    xtivreg agriculture logGDPconstantPPP MeanSchooling fertility WBL trade FDI i.year c.year#i.CountryCode_num (l.logInvestmentTotal = l.shiftshare), fe vce(cluster CountryCode_num)
    Absorbing indicators and replacing "panelvar" with the name of your panel identifier in the xtset command, you have:

    ivreghdfe agriculture logGDPconstantPPP MeanSchooling fertility ///
    WBL trade FDI (l.logInvestmentTotal = l.shiftshare), ///
    absorb(panelvar i.year c.year#i.CountryCode_num) vce(cluster CountryCode_num)
    This command will output the requested statistics.

