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  • Diff in Diff Margins and Treatment Effect Heterogeneity

    Hi all,

    I have a triple difference coefficient: the interaction between three dummy variables.These variables are post, treat_ind and treat_county:
    I have another variable, which is county specific. It is called "devel". It is continuous. I am certain that the treatment effect, i.e. the effect of the triple difference coefficient, varies across the levels of the continuous variable "devel". Thus I want to interact it with the triple difference coefficient in a regression. Then, I want to take the marginal effect of the triple difference coefficient at each value of "devel". I start with the following code: (reghdfe from ssc install)

    levelsof devel, local(develvals)
    reghdfe dep_var, abs(i.countyfips#i.ind i.ind#i.time i.countyfips#i.time) cluster(countyfips)
    margins, dydx( at(devel=(`develvals'))
    I am aware that is an interaction itself.

    So will the output of this margins command give me the average marginal effect of the triple difference coefficient on dep_var at each of the values of the "devel" variable?

  • #2
    For anyone interested in the same question, I just came across the following two threads:

    stata - How to run an Instrumental Variable Regression for heterogenous treatment effects - Cross Validated (

    Heterogenous treatment effect with difference-in-differences - Statalist


    • #3
      I don't think this code will run as written. Margins will not know how to calculate that derivative.

      You could do something like this using nlcom:

      use "", clear
      drop if id == 407
      xtset id t
      gen chain = ""
      foreach var of varlist bk kfc roys wendys {
          replace chain="`var'" if `var'==1
      ssc install sencode
      sencode chain, replace
      fvset base 0 t
      fvset base 1 chain // base is Burger King
      fvset base 0 treated
      reghdfe fte i.treated##i.t##i.chain, abs( cluster(id)
      nlcom ///
      (bk:     _b[1.treated#1.t]) ///
      (kfc:    _b[1.treated#1.t] + _b[1.treated#1.t#2.chain]) ///
      (roys:   _b[1.treated#1.t] + _b[1.treated#1.t#3.chain]) ///
      (wendys: _b[1.treated#1.t] + _b[1.treated#1.t#4.chain]), post // coefl
      test _b[bk] = _b[kfc] = _b[roys] = _b[wendys]
      Here you would reject the null that the effects of minimum wage are the same for all four restaurant chains.


      • #4
        Here's a continuous DD interaction example that can be extended to DDD:

        use "", clear
        drop if id == 407
        xtset id t
        gen chain = ""
        foreach var of varlist bk kfc roys wendys {
            replace chain="`var'" if `var'==1
        sencode chain, replace
        fvset base 0 t
        fvset base 1 chain // base is Burger King
        fvset base 0 treated
        reghdfe fte i.treated##i.t##c.chain, abs( cluster(id) // coefl
        nlcom (effect:_b[1.treated#1.t] + _b[1.treated#1.t#c.chain]), post // coefl
        test _b[effect] = 0


        • #5
          Thank you!


          • #6
            Dear Dimitriy V. Masterov,

            Thank you so much for this. I have implemented your method.

            Out of curiosity, is the following correct:

            Suppose I were to dichotomise the "devel" variable at the median, and call the resulting binary variable "above_median_devel".

            Then, forgetting the margins command, I just run:

             reghdfe dep_var, abs(i.countyfips#i.ind i.ind#i.time i.countyfips#i.time) cluster(countyfips)
            Is the following interpretation correct:

            is the triple difference treatment effect estimate for below median level of devel.

            is the triple difference treatment effect estimate for above median level of devel.

            is statistically significant and positive, then the triple difference treatment effect is significantly stronger for above median devel counties.

            Many thanks in advance!


            • #7
              I believe you should add
              _b[] and
              _b[ evel] to get the effect for the above median units. Your second statement is correct.


              • #8
                Dear Dimitriy V. Masterov,

                Thank you so much for your answer!

                Apologies, I have simply misunderstood something:

                Is there something to add to the following equation to achieve the goal stated in #6?

                 reghdfe dep_var, abs(i.countyfips#i.ind i.ind#i.time i.countyfips#i.time) cluster(countyfips)


                • #9
                  The best way to make sure you are doing things correctly is to calculate all the means by hand, put them into the DDD formula, and make sure the regression version returns the same numbers as the formula.


                  • #10
                    I suspect your code is possibly quite wrong. Let's use the C&K data to answer the question: Is the effect of a higher minimum wage greater for chicken restaurants if they had an initial FTE above the median for their chain? That can be calculated in two ways:
                    1. Calculate DDD for above-median chicken restaurants. Calculate the DDD for below-median chicken restaurants. Difference them to get the answer, which is a quad-diff (DDDD).
                    2. Estimate a DDDD using regression.
                    The advantage of approach 1 is that it demonstrates that a DDDD is really a difference between two DDDs. You can even go further. A DDD is a difference of two DDs, and a DD is a difference of two Ds. You could do all this by hand since it's just averages and division. Yay! The disadvantage is that it does not return any standard errors. Boo! But you should do (1) to verify (2) is doing what you expect.

                    Here's an example using the same data as above:

                    . ssc install diff
                    checking diff consistency and verifying not already installed...
                    all files already exist and are up to date.
                    . net from
                    Programs from Sealed Envelope Ltd
                    These programs are provided by Sealed Envelope Ltd.
                    For more details on their use visit
                    PACKAGES you could -net describe-:
                        hl                Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test
                        mlogplot2         Extension to mlogplot to handle two-way interaction terms in mlogit
                        reformat          Reformat regression output
                        rescale           Rescale categorical variables using numbers found in value labels
                        time              Convert strings in HH:MM:SS format to elapsed times and back again
                        xcount            Count longitudinal data
                        xfill             Fill in static variables in longitudinal data
                        xtab              Tabulate longitudinal data
                    . net install xfill
                    checking xfill consistency and verifying not already installed...
                    all files already exist and are up to date.
                    . use "", clear
                    (Dataset from Card&Krueger (1994))
                    . drop if id == 407
                    (4 observations deleted)
                    . xtset id t
                    Panel variable: id (strongly balanced)
                     Time variable: t, 0 to 1
                             Delta: 1 unit
                    . gen chain = ""
                    (816 missing values generated)
                    . foreach var of varlist bk kfc roys wendys {
                      2.         replace chain="`var'" if `var'==1
                      3.  }
                    variable chain was str1 now str2
                    (342 real changes made)
                    variable chain was str2 now str3
                    (158 real changes made)
                    variable chain was str3 now str4
                    (198 real changes made)
                    variable chain was str4 now str6
                    (118 real changes made)
                    . sencode chain, replace
                    . gen chix = cond(kfc == 1, 1, 0)
                    . lab define chix 0 "Burger Joint" 1 "Fried Chicken"
                    . lab val chix chix
                    . bys chain: egen chain_median_fte = median(fte) if t == 0
                    (408 missing values generated)
                    . gen above_pre_chain_median = cond(fte > chain_median_fte, 1, 0) if !missing(chain_median_fte)
                    (408 missing values generated)
                    . xfill above_pre_chain_median, i(id)
                    . fvset base 0 t
                    . fvset base 0 chix // base is Burger Chain
                    . fvset base 0 treated
                    . fvset base 0 above_pre_chain_median
                    . diff fte if above_pre_chain_median == 1, t(treated) p(t) ddd(chix) cluster(chain)
                    Notation of DDD:
                       Control (A)     treated = 0 and chix = 1
                       Control (B)     treated = 0 and chix = 0
                       Treated (A)     treated = 1 and chix = 1
                       Treated (B)     treated = 1 and chix = 0
                    Number of observations in the DDD: 379
                                   Before      After    
                       Control (A):3           3           6
                       Control (B):35          35          70
                       Treated (A):34          34          68
                       Treated (B):118         117         235
                                   190         189
                     Outcome var.   | fte     | S. Err. |   |t|   |  P>|t|
                    Before          |         |         |         | 
                       Control (A)  | 11.500  |         |         | 
                       Control (B)  | 29.207  |         |         | 
                       Treated (A)  | 12.949  |         |         | 
                       Treated (B)  | 25.619  |         |         | 
                       Diff (T-C)   | 5.037   | 2.100   | 2.40    | 0.096*
                    After           |         |         |         | 
                       Control (A)  | 12.833  |         |         | 
                       Control (B)  | 21.700  |         |         | 
                       Treated (A)  | 12.037  |         |         | 
                       Treated (B)  | 22.949  |         |         | 
                       Diff (T-C)   | -2.045  | 1.617   | 1.27    | 0.295
                                    |         |         |         | 
                    DDD             | -7.082  | 1.149   | -6.16   | 0.009***
                    R-square:    0.31
                    * Means and Standard Errors are estimated by linear regression
                    **Clustered Std. Errors
                    **Inference: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1
                    . scalar ddd1 = r(ddd)
                    . diff fte if above_pre_chain_median == 0, t(treated) p(t) ddd(chix) cluster(chain)
                    Notation of DDD:
                       Control (A)     treated = 0 and chix = 1
                       Control (B)     treated = 0 and chix = 0
                       Treated (A)     treated = 1 and chix = 1
                       Treated (B)     treated = 1 and chix = 0
                    Number of observations in the DDD: 418
                                   Before      After    
                       Control (A):8           8           16
                       Control (B):31          30          61
                       Treated (A):34          34          68
                       Treated (B):139         134         273
                                   212         206
                     Outcome var.   | fte     | S. Err. |   |t|   |  P>|t|
                    Before          |         |         |         | 
                       Control (A)  | 6.375   |         |         | 
                       Control (B)  | 14.202  |         |         | 
                       Treated (A)  | 6.765   |         |         | 
                       Treated (B)  | 13.381  |         |         | 
                       Diff (T-C)   | 1.210   | 0.463   | 2.62    | 0.079*
                    After           |         |         |         | 
                       Control (A)  | 8.938   |         |         | 
                       Control (B)  | 15.775  |         |         | 
                       Treated (A)  | 9.213   |         |         | 
                       Treated (B)  | 16.450  |         |         | 
                       Diff (T-C)   | -0.399  | 1.288   | 0.31    | 0.777
                                    |         |         |         | 
                    DDD             | -1.609  | 1.569   | -1.03   | 0.381
                    R-square:    0.24
                    * Means and Standard Errors are estimated by linear regression
                    **Clustered Std. Errors
                    **Inference: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1
                    . scalar ddd0= r(ddd)
                    . di scalar(ddd1) - scalar(ddd0)
                    . reghdfe fte i.treated##i.t##i.chix##i.above_pre_chain_median, cluster(chain) //coefl
                    (MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
                    warning: missing F statistic; dropped variables due to collinearity or too few clusters
                    HDFE Linear regression                            Number of obs   =        797
                    Absorbing 1 HDFE group                            F(  15,      3) =          .
                    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Prob > F        =          .
                                                                      R-squared       =     0.4519
                                                                      Adj R-squared   =     0.4414
                                                                      Within R-sq.    =     0.4519
                    Number of clusters (chain)   =          4         Root MSE        =     6.7457
                                                                               (Std. err. adjusted for 4 clusters in chain)
                                                          |               Robust
                                                      fte | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                                                  treated |
                                                      NJ  |  -.8203179   .4630548    -1.77   0.175    -2.293965     .653329
                                                      1.t |   1.573387    2.60247     0.60   0.588    -6.708833    9.855607
                                                treated#t |
                                                    NJ#1  |   1.494945   1.570513     0.95   0.411    -3.503129    6.493018
                                                     chix |
                                           Fried Chicken  |  -7.826613   .3275663   -23.89   0.000    -8.869075   -6.784151
                                             treated#chix |
                                        NJ#Fried Chicken  |   1.210024   .4630548     2.61   0.079    -.2636231    2.683671
                                                   t#chix |
                                         1#Fried Chicken  |   .9891129    2.60247     0.38   0.729    -7.293107    9.271333
                                           treated#t#chix |
                                      NJ#1#Fried Chicken  |  -1.608915   1.570513    -1.02   0.381    -6.606989    3.389158
                                 1.above_pre_chain_median |   15.00553   1.941979     7.73   0.005     8.825286    21.18577
                           treated#above_pre_chain_median |
                                                    NJ#1  |  -2.768181   2.250544    -1.23   0.306    -9.930417    4.394055
                                 t#above_pre_chain_median |
                                                     1 1  |   -9.08053    2.64601    -3.43   0.041    -17.50131   -.6597449
                         treated#t#above_pre_chain_median |
                                                  NJ#1#1  |   3.342272   2.083684     1.60   0.207    -3.288942    9.973485
                              chix#above_pre_chain_median |
                                         Fried Chicken#1  |   -9.88053   1.941979    -5.09   0.015    -16.06077   -3.700286
                      treated#chix#above_pre_chain_median |
                                      NJ#Fried Chicken#1  |   3.827004   2.250544     1.70   0.188    -3.335232    10.98924
                            t#chix#above_pre_chain_median |
                                       1#Fried Chicken#1  |   7.851363    2.64601     2.97   0.059    -.5694218    16.27215
                    treated#t#chix#above_pre_chain_median |
                                    NJ#1#Fried Chicken#1  |  -5.473399   2.083684    -2.63   0.079    -12.10461    1.157814
                                                    _cons |   14.20161   .3275663    43.35   0.000     13.15915    15.24408
                    . nlcom ///
                    > (DDD_chix_above:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median]) ///
                    > (DDD_chix_below:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix]) ///
                    > (DDDD:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median]), post
                    DDD_chix_a~e: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median]
                    DDD_chix_b~w: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix]
                            DDDD: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median]
                               fte | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                    DDD_chix_above |  -7.082315   1.149446    -6.16   0.000    -9.335187   -4.829443
                    DDD_chix_below |  -1.608915   1.570513    -1.02   0.306    -4.687064    1.469234
                              DDDD |  -5.473399   2.083684    -2.63   0.009    -9.557346   -1.389453
                    . coefplot, vertical ylab(#20) yline(0) xtitle("DDD_chix_above - DDD_chix_below = DDDD") ytitle("Effects (FTEs)") name("DDDD", replace)
                    . reghdfe fte 1.t#1.treated#1.chix 1.t#1.treated#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median, cluster(id)
                    (MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
                    HDFE Linear regression                            Number of obs   =        797
                    Absorbing 1 HDFE group                            F(   2,    407) =      57.67
                    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Prob > F        =     0.0000
                                                                      R-squared       =     0.0584
                                                                      Adj R-squared   =     0.0561
                                                                      Within R-sq.    =     0.0584
                    Number of clusters (id)      =        408         Root MSE        =     8.7690
                                                                                (Std. err. adjusted for 408 clusters in id)
                                                          |               Robust
                                                      fte | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                                           t#treated#chix |
                                      1#NJ#Fried Chicken  |  -9.076545   .9120556    -9.95   0.000    -10.86947   -7.283617
                    t#treated#chix#above_pre_chain_median |
                                    1#NJ#Fried Chicken#1  |   2.823529   1.366058     2.07   0.039     .1381199    5.508939
                                                    _cons |   18.28978   .3967238    46.10   0.000      17.5099    19.06966
                    Note that (1) gets me -5.5 employees. Note that (2) also gets me -5.5 employees. My version of your code gets me +2.8. The issue is your code only includes the two final interactions and omits the lower-level ones and the dummies. It's possible that the variables that go into your absorb() take care of those terms, but looking at the names (since no other details were provided), suggests that may not be the case.

                    Now for your second question: How to estimate a DDD that is moderated by a continuous variable? Here is an example where I treat chain as if it were continuous and calculate a DDD(chain):
                    . reghdfe fte i.treated##i.t##i.above_pre_chain_median##c.chain, cluster(chain) //coefl
                    (MWFE estimator converged in 1 iterations)
                    warning: missing F statistic; dropped variables due to collinearity or too few clusters
                    HDFE Linear regression                            Number of obs   =        797
                    Absorbing 1 HDFE group                            F(  15,      3) =          .
                    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Prob > F        =          .
                                                                      R-squared       =     0.2817
                                                                      Adj R-squared   =     0.2679
                                                                      Within R-sq.    =     0.2817
                    Number of clusters (chain)   =          4         Root MSE        =     7.7225
                                                                                  (Std. err. adjusted for 4 clusters in chain)
                                                             |               Robust
                                                         fte | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
                                                     treated |
                                                         NJ  |   .8645841   1.660515     0.52   0.639    -4.419916    6.149085
                                                         1.t |   7.469999   1.931494     3.87   0.031     1.323122    13.61688
                                                   treated#t |
                                                       NJ#1  |  -3.500525   .6592664    -5.31   0.013    -5.598605   -1.402445
                                    1.above_pre_chain_median |   20.48461   1.631085    12.56   0.001     15.29377    25.67545
                              treated#above_pre_chain_median |
                                                       NJ#1  |  -11.24226   4.705066    -2.39   0.097    -26.21588    3.731357
                                    t#above_pre_chain_median |
                                                        1 1  |  -15.64305   2.294632    -6.82   0.006    -22.94559   -8.340508
                            treated#t#above_pre_chain_median |
                                                     NJ#1#1  |   9.937227   .4226838    23.51   0.000     8.592059     11.2824
                                                       chain |   .4870996   1.102913     0.44   0.689    -3.022862    3.997061
                                             treated#c.chain |
                                                         NJ  |  -.5937672   .6863989    -0.87   0.451    -2.778195     1.59066
                                                   t#c.chain |
                                                          1  |  -2.437943    1.07156    -2.28   0.107    -5.848124    .9722377
                                           treated#t#c.chain |
                                                       NJ#1  |   1.917762   .2365613     8.11   0.004     1.164918    2.670606
                              above_pre_chain_median#c.chain |
                                                          1  |  -2.597644   .9461896    -2.75   0.071    -5.608842    .4135539
                      treated#above_pre_chain_median#c.chain |
                                                       NJ#1  |   3.278585   1.745245     1.88   0.157    -2.275563    8.832732
                            t#above_pre_chain_median#c.chain |
                                                        1 1  |   3.078708   .8008859     3.84   0.031     .5299322    5.627485
                    treated#t#above_pre_chain_median#c.chain |
                                                     NJ#1#1  |  -2.810856   .4227301    -6.65   0.007    -4.156172    -1.46554
                                                       _cons |   11.43461    3.88128     2.95   0.060    -.9173562    23.78657
                    . levelsof chain 
                    1 2 3 4
                    . nlcom ///
                    > (DDD_chain_1:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*1) ///
                    > (DDD_chain_2:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*2) ///
                    > (DDD_chain_3:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*3) ///
                    > (DDD_chain_4:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*4) ///
                    > , post // coefl
                     DDD_chain_1: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*1
                     DDD_chain_2: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*2
                     DDD_chain_3: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*3
                     DDD_chain_4: _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*4
                             fte | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                     DDD_chain_1 |   7.126371   .3909049    18.23   0.000     6.360212    7.892531
                     DDD_chain_2 |   4.315516    .695955     6.20   0.000     2.951469    5.679562
                     DDD_chain_3 |    1.50466    1.08319     1.39   0.165    -.6183545    3.627674
                     DDD_chain_4 |  -1.306196   1.489849    -0.88   0.381    -4.226247    1.613855
                    . coefplot, vertical ylab(#20) xlab(1 2 3 4) yline(0) xtitle("Chain") ytitle("DDD Effect (FTEs)") name("DDD", replace)
                    . // should match _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain] exactly
                    . nlcom ///
                    > (_b[DDD_chain_4] - _b[DDD_chain_3]) ///
                    > (_b[DDD_chain_3] - _b[DDD_chain_2]) ///
                    > (_b[DDD_chain_2] - _b[DDD_chain_1])
                           _nl_1: _b[DDD_chain_4] - _b[DDD_chain_3]
                           _nl_2: _b[DDD_chain_3] - _b[DDD_chain_2]
                           _nl_3: _b[DDD_chain_2] - _b[DDD_chain_1]
                             fte | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                           _nl_1 |  -2.810856   .4227301    -6.65   0.000    -3.639392    -1.98232
                           _nl_2 |  -2.810856   .4227301    -6.65   0.000    -3.639392    -1.98232
                           _nl_3 |  -2.810856   .4227301    -6.65   0.000    -3.639392    -1.98232
                    This can be interpreted as "the DDD effect of the minimum wage for an above-median restaurant declines by -2.8 employees each time the chain variable increments by 1." If you like calculus, this is the dDDD/dchain. There is substantial heterogeneity. The DDD effect at chain = 1 is +7.1. The effect at chain=4 is -1.3 employees and no longer significantly different from zero.


                    • #11
                      Here's the code for the two examples above:

                      ssc install diff
                      net from
                      net install xfill
                      use "", clear
                      drop if id == 407
                      xtset id t
                      gen chain = ""
                      foreach var of varlist bk kfc roys wendys {
                          replace chain="`var'" if `var'==1
                      sencode chain, replace
                      gen chix = cond(kfc == 1, 1, 0)
                      lab define chix 0 "Burger Joint" 1 "Fried Chicken"
                      lab val chix chix
                      bys chain: egen chain_median_fte = median(fte) if t == 0
                      gen above_pre_chain_median = cond(fte > chain_median_fte, 1, 0) if !missing(chain_median_fte)
                      xfill above_pre_chain_median, i(id)
                      fvset base 0 t
                      fvset base 0 chix // base is Burger Chain
                      fvset base 0 treated
                      fvset base 0 above_pre_chain_median
                      diff fte if above_pre_chain_median == 1, t(treated) p(t) ddd(chix) cluster(chain)
                      scalar ddd1 = r(ddd)
                      diff fte if above_pre_chain_median == 0, t(treated) p(t) ddd(chix) cluster(chain)
                      scalar ddd0= r(ddd)
                      di scalar(ddd1) - scalar(ddd0)
                      reghdfe fte i.treated##i.t##i.chix##i.above_pre_chain_median, cluster(chain) //coefl
                      nlcom ///
                      (DDD_chix_above:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median]) ///
                      (DDD_chix_below:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix]) ///
                      (DDDD:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median]), post
                      coefplot, vertical ylab(#20) yline(0) xtitle("DDD_chix_above - DDD_chix_below = DDDD") ytitle("Effects (FTEs)") name("DDDD", replace)
                      reghdfe fte 1.t#1.treated#1.chix 1.t#1.treated#1.chix#1.above_pre_chain_median, cluster(id)
                      reghdfe fte i.treated##i.t##i.above_pre_chain_median##c.chain, cluster(chain) //coefl
                      levelsof chain 
                      nlcom ///
                      (DDD_chain_1:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*1) ///
                      (DDD_chain_2:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*2) ///
                      (DDD_chain_3:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*3) ///
                      (DDD_chain_4:_b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median] + _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain]*4) ///
                      , post // coefl
                      coefplot, vertical ylab(#20) xlab(1 2 3 4) yline(0) xtitle("Chain") ytitle("DDD Effect (FTEs)") name("DDD", replace)
                      // should match _b[1.treated#1.t#1.above_pre_chain_median#c.chain] exactly
                      nlcom ///
                      (_b[DDD_chain_4] - _b[DDD_chain_3]) ///
                      (_b[DDD_chain_3] - _b[DDD_chain_2]) ///
                      (_b[DDD_chain_2] - _b[DDD_chain_1])


                      • #12
                        Thank you so much! I will try it out! Really, thanks for your time and effort.

