Dear all ,
I have fitted a model to a subset of my database (90% of the database : training=0). I want to predict the outcome using the 10% remaining data (training=1).
xtset partid temps2
Xtregar Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 if training==0.
Predict Var5 if training ==1 .
I am not a regular user of panel data. Unfortunately, my prediction did not match my training database very well.
I guess i have miss something. Could you give me some advice ?
I'm sorry that I can't give more details about the context of this work for reasons of confidentiality.
Many thanks for your help,
I have fitted a model to a subset of my database (90% of the database : training=0). I want to predict the outcome using the 10% remaining data (training=1).
xtset partid temps2
Xtregar Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 if training==0.
Predict Var5 if training ==1 .
I am not a regular user of panel data. Unfortunately, my prediction did not match my training database very well.
I guess i have miss something. Could you give me some advice ?
I'm sorry that I can't give more details about the context of this work for reasons of confidentiality.
Many thanks for your help,