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  • Problem using a local to create a note for a graph

    I am trying to produce some graphs in a loop for different countries. For each country, I've computed some statistics which in some case match official data, in others they don't. I want to add to each country graph a note with a warning that says whether or not the statistic matches the official one. If two statistics do not match, each warning should be on a new line.
    Without using the local, this is straightforward: each warning should just be within double quotes.
    When I try to do it via local the first warning gets all "crumpled up" .

    Click image for larger version

Name:	problem_senegal.png
Views:	2
Size:	396.4 KB
ID:	1754732
    This is my data structure.
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str32 country int decob double(age_marr fgc cowives_any) float(age_marr_flag fgc_faith_flag cowivesany_flag)
    "mozambique" 1940 16.9  . .3 0 . 1
    "mozambique" 1950 17.2  . .3 0 . 1
    "mozambique" 1960 17.6  . .3 0 . 1
    "mozambique" 1970 17.9  . .3 0 . 1
    "mozambique" 1980 18.1  . .2 0 . 1
    "mozambique" 1990   18  . .1 0 . 1
    "senegal"    1940   16  . .6 0 1 1
    "senegal"    1950 16.5 .3 .6 0 1 1
    "senegal"    1960 17.6 .3 .5 0 1 1
    "senegal"    1970 19.5 .3 .4 0 1 1
    "senegal"    1980 19.9 .3 .3 0 1 1
    "senegal"    1990 20.7 .2 .2 0 1 1
    and here is my code

    sort country decob
    local countries benin senegal
    local marr_desc "Could not replicate official results for median age at marriage for this country"
    local fgc_desc "Could not replicate official results for share of cut women for this country"
    local wives_desc "Could not replicate official results for polygyny for this country"
    foreach country of local countries {
        qui sum age_marr_flag if country=="`country'"
        if r(max)==1 {
            local add_note_marr = 1
        qui sum fgc_faith_flag if country=="`country'"
        if r(max)==1 {
            local add_note_fgc = 1
        qui sum cowivesany_flag if country=="`country'"
        if r(max)==1 {
            local add_note_wives = 1
            local nota
        if `add_note_marr' == 1 {
        local nota "`marr_desc'"
        if `add_note_fgc' == 1 {
        local nota `nota' "`fgc_desc'"
        if `add_note_wives' == 1 {
        local nota `nota' "`wives_desc'"
        twoway line fgc cowives_any age_marr decob if country=="`country'", title("`country'") note(`nota')
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Alessandro Fusari; 28 May 2024, 09:45.

  • #2
    local fgc_desc "Could not replicate official results for share of cut women for this country"
    local wives_desc "Could not replicate official results for polygyny for this country" 
    local nota `" `nota' "`fgc_desc'"   "'
    local nota `" `nota' "`wives_desc'" "'
    tw fun 1, note(`nota')


    • #3
      Thank you Bjarte!

