Hello, does anyone know how to change the colour palette for heatplot so Stata uses shades of blue for negative correlations, shades of red for positive correlations, and 0 = white? I am now using
but it drives me crazy that 0 is not assigned to white, aka the cutoff between red and blue.
Thank you!
color(hcl blured)
Thank you!
en touse = !missing(SWLS, Sleepquality, Sleepduration, Sleephygiene, Bedtimeprocrastination, Age, Education, EmploymentStatus, Income, LivingSituation, Nightshift, Kids) foreach v in SWLS Sleepquality Sleepduration Sleephygiene Bedtimeprocrastination Age Education EmploymentStatus Income LivingSituation Nightshift Kids { egen rank_`v' = rank(`v') if touse } pwcorr rank_SWLS rank_Sleepquality rank_Sleepduration rank_Sleephygiene rank_Bedtimeprocrastination rank_Age rank_Education rank_EmploymentStatus rank_Income rank_LivingSituation rank_Nightshift rank_Kids, sig matrix C = r(C) matrix sig = r(sig) heatplot C, values(label(sig)) lower nodraw nodiagonal generate gen str lab = string(_Z, "%4.3f") + /// cond(_Mlab<.001, "***", cond(_Mlab<.01, "**", cond(_Mlab<.05, "*", ""))) heatplot C, color(hcl bluered) lower aspectratio(1) xlabel(, labsize(tiny) angle(45)) ylabel(, labsize(tiny)) nodiagonal /// addplot(scatter _Y _X, msymbol(i) mlab(lab) mlabpos(0) mlabcolor(black) mlabsize(tiny))