Hello Statalisters,
I have 3 binary outcomes.
Var1 - Is a 1/0 if a response is received: yes/no
Var2 - Is a 1/0 whether the response indicates an event happened: yes/no
Var3 - Is a 1/0 did they choose an option after the event: yes no.
I have variables A, B, C observed for all equations and variables that are expected to predict Var 1 and Var 2 respectively but not Var3 (akin to exclusion restriction variables)
I am using cmp to estimate this series of equations which it provides output for using the following:
1) cmp (Var1 = A B C X) (Var2 = A B C Y) (Var3 = A B C Z), ///
ind($cmp_probit Var2*$cmp_probit Var3*$cmp_probit)
My first query is whether the above correctly estimates the probability of Var3 conditional on a response (Var1) and the event (Var2)?
My next step is to estimating the marginal effects for variable A for Var3 equation.
I use the help file to guide me and use:
2) margins, dydx(A) predict(pr eq(Var3) condition(0 ., eq(Var2)))
I interpret this as conditional that the event happened (Var2==1) what is the marginal effect of A on the probability of Var3==1
I'm unclear whether the above code in (1) conditions on Var1=1?
Another option is to use expression to condition on both using
3) margins, dydx(A) expression(predict(pr eq(Var3) condition(0 ., eq(Var2))) * predict(pr eq(Var2) condition(0 ., eq(Var1))) )
Both 2 & 3 provide estimates, 3 lower than 2 which makes me think (2) does not condition.
If my primary interest is the marginal effect of A on Var3 conditional on Var1 and Var2 being both yes is either combination (1) & (2) or (1) & (3) correct?
Appreciate any feedback.
I have 3 binary outcomes.
Var1 - Is a 1/0 if a response is received: yes/no
Var2 - Is a 1/0 whether the response indicates an event happened: yes/no
Var3 - Is a 1/0 did they choose an option after the event: yes no.
I have variables A, B, C observed for all equations and variables that are expected to predict Var 1 and Var 2 respectively but not Var3 (akin to exclusion restriction variables)
I am using cmp to estimate this series of equations which it provides output for using the following:
1) cmp (Var1 = A B C X) (Var2 = A B C Y) (Var3 = A B C Z), ///
ind($cmp_probit Var2*$cmp_probit Var3*$cmp_probit)
My first query is whether the above correctly estimates the probability of Var3 conditional on a response (Var1) and the event (Var2)?
My next step is to estimating the marginal effects for variable A for Var3 equation.
I use the help file to guide me and use:
2) margins, dydx(A) predict(pr eq(Var3) condition(0 ., eq(Var2)))
I interpret this as conditional that the event happened (Var2==1) what is the marginal effect of A on the probability of Var3==1
I'm unclear whether the above code in (1) conditions on Var1=1?
Another option is to use expression to condition on both using
3) margins, dydx(A) expression(predict(pr eq(Var3) condition(0 ., eq(Var2))) * predict(pr eq(Var2) condition(0 ., eq(Var1))) )
Both 2 & 3 provide estimates, 3 lower than 2 which makes me think (2) does not condition.
If my primary interest is the marginal effect of A on Var3 conditional on Var1 and Var2 being both yes is either combination (1) & (2) or (1) & (3) correct?
Appreciate any feedback.