Hello everyone,
I am using the Stata "mixed" command to run growth curve analysis within the multilevel framework for my dissertation project. I want to conduct full information maximum likelihood (FIML) to deal with missing data and make sure that my analysis has consistent sample size across models that use different independent variables. Does anyone know how to do that? I couldn't find any resource online about how to apply FIML to a growth model with "mixed" command in Stata.
Below is my growth curve model code (without FIML):
mixed cognition i.media##c.wave ///
i.edu i.gender i.race c.basemem ///
c.age i.mar i.live i.work c.inc ///
|| hhidpn: wave, var cov (unstr)
Any help will be appreicated! Thank you very much!
I am using the Stata "mixed" command to run growth curve analysis within the multilevel framework for my dissertation project. I want to conduct full information maximum likelihood (FIML) to deal with missing data and make sure that my analysis has consistent sample size across models that use different independent variables. Does anyone know how to do that? I couldn't find any resource online about how to apply FIML to a growth model with "mixed" command in Stata.
Below is my growth curve model code (without FIML):
mixed cognition i.media##c.wave ///
i.edu i.gender i.race c.basemem ///
c.age i.mar i.live i.work c.inc ///
|| hhidpn: wave, var cov (unstr)
Any help will be appreicated! Thank you very much!