The "nois" would go on line 15 of post #54.
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foreach s in 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 { gen immi_sh_sector`s' = immi_sh * (sector == `s') } * Run the regression with all interaction terms xtivreg2 ln_labor_productivity_w (immi_sh = IV_normalized) immi_sh_sector7 immi_sh_sector3 immi_sh_sector6 immi_sh_sector9 immi_sh_sector10 immi_sh_sector11 immi_sh_sector12 immi_sh_sector13 share_9 share_12 share_uni logsize lavg_firm_age lage yr_2 yr_3 yr_4 yr_5 yr_6 yr_7 yr_8 yr_9 yr_10, fe first robust
. reghdfe ln_labor_productivity_w c.immi_sh#i.sector share_9 share_12 share_uni logsize lavg_firm_age lage, a(sector year id) cl(i > d) (dropped 50256 singleton observations) (MWFE estimator converged in 19 iterations) HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 1,464,334 Absorbing 3 HDFE groups F( 14, 237899) = 157.65 Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.7020 Adj R-squared = 0.6441 Within R-sq. = 0.0041 Number of clusters (id) = 237,900 Root MSE = 0.5279 (Std. Err. adjusted for 237,900 clusters in id) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Robust ln_labor_produ~w | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sector#c.immi_sh | 3 | .0219473 .0352178 0.62 0.533 -.0470786 .0909732 6 | -.0654139 .025195 -2.60 0.009 -.1147954 -.0160325 7 | -.043856 .0217781 -2.01 0.044 -.0865406 -.0011714 9 | .0611481 .0204281 2.99 0.003 .0211095 .1011866 10 | -.0598753 .081568 -0.73 0.463 -.2197464 .0999959 11 | .0159053 .0532558 0.30 0.765 -.0884746 .1202853 12 | -.0376002 .0350577 -1.07 0.283 -.1063124 .031112 13 | -.0047025 .0400918 -0.12 0.907 -.0832813 .0738763 | share_9 | .0720363 .0071816 10.03 0.000 .0579606 .086112 share_12 | .0764309 .0082528 9.26 0.000 .0602555 .0926062 share_uni | .0865986 .010264 8.44 0.000 .0664814 .1067158 logsize | -.0742474 .0023875 -31.10 0.000 -.0789269 -.0695679 lavg_firm_age | .0955467 .0026189 36.48 0.000 .0904137 .1006797 lage | .0101957 .0094043 1.08 0.278 -.0082365 .0286279 _cons | 9.402414 .0381079 246.73 0.000 9.327724 9.477105 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorbed degrees of freedom: -----------------------------------------------------+ Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs | -------------+---------------------------------------| sector | 8 1 7 | year | 10 1 9 | id | 237900 237900 0 *| -----------------------------------------------------+ * = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation