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  • New SSC package: -sccsdta- for generating the dataset for the self-controlled case series method (SCCS)

    Thanks to Kit Baum, there is a new package -sccsdta- at the SSC.

    The SCCS method examines the association between a time-varying exposure and an event outcome.
    The study samples only cases, and it requires that an event has occurred during the observation period.
    The method doesn't compare incidences for cases with incidences for references.
    Instead, it contrasts incidences in periods of risk with incidences in periods where the case is not at risk.
    In this approach, cases serve as their control for fixed confounders.
    It's feasible to adjust for time effects such as age.
    The intervals are marked by risk, time, and individual.
    For each interval, the number of incidences and the width of the interval are determined.

    An introduction is: or

    Below is a reproduction of example 3.1 in the tutorial from the first reference:

    Hospital records indicate an association between MMR vaccination and viral meningitis.
    Specifically, using a certain live mumps vaccine, known as the Urabe strain, has been linked to an increased risk of viral meningitis.
    Instances of viral meningitis were identified in 10 children during their second year of life.

    Event day (day of meningitis) and a day for exposure (day of vaccination) for 10 children are listed in the dataset

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float(eventday exday)
    398 458
    413 392
    449 429
    455 433
    472 432
    474 395
    485 470
    524 496
    700 428
    399 716
    The observation period was from the 366th to the 730th day of age.
    Evidence led to the definition of the risk period as the 15th to the 35th day following the administration of the MMR vaccine.
    Age groups were 366 to 547 days and 548 to 730 days.

    Using the sccsdta command:
    . sccsdta eventday exday, enter(365) exit(730) riskpoints(14 35) timepoints(547)
    transforms the dataset into (first 3 children):
    . list if _id < 4, sepby(_id) noobs
      | eventday   exday   _id   _start   _stop   _nevents      _exgr        _tmgr   _inter~l |
      |      398     458     1      365     472          1         no   ]365; 547]        107 |
      |      398     458     1      472     493          0   ]14; 35]   ]365; 547]         21 |
      |      398     458     1      493     547          0         no   ]365; 547]         54 |
      |      398     458     1      547     730          0         no   ]547; 730]        183 |
      |      413     392     2      365     406          0         no   ]365; 547]         41 |
      |      413     392     2      406     427          1   ]14; 35]   ]365; 547]         21 |
      |      413     392     2      427     547          0         no   ]365; 547]        120 |
      |      413     392     2      547     730          0         no   ]547; 730]        183 |
      |      449     429     3      365     443          0         no   ]365; 547]         78 |
      |      449     429     3      443     464          1   ]14; 35]   ]365; 547]         21 |
      |      449     429     3      464     547          0         no   ]365; 547]         83 |
      |      449     429     3      547     730          0         no   ]547; 730]        183 |
    We estimate the incidence rate ratio of the risk period versus the no-risk period using a Poisson regression and looking at the i._exgr estimate:
    . poisson _nevents i._exgr i._tmgr i._id, exposure(_interval) irr
    We get a better estimate report using the command regmat (ssc install matrixtools - works from version 13.1)
    . regmat, o(_nevents) e(i._exgr) a("i._tmgr i._id") eform d(3) label btext(irr) names("") base: poisson, exposure(_interval)
                                      irr  se(irr)  Lower 95% CI  Upper 95% CI  P value
    Events(#)  At risk (no)         1.000                                              
               At risk (]14; 35])  12.037    2.031         3.002        48.259    0.000
    Last edited by Niels Henrik Bruun; 08 May 2024, 00:05.
    Kind regards


  • #2
    Thanks to Kit Baum, the package package -sccsdta- was updated at the SSC.
    The help Is extended and rewritten.
    I've also revised the options for setting the dates.
    Hopefully, it is more clear now, what you get.
    Kind regards



    • #3
      Hello Neils,
      I used the following code to calculate IRR. I tried to generate similar results using sccsdta but to no avail. Can you please help me implement it using sccsdta?
      input indiv str11 vaccination_dt_str str11 hospitalization_dt_str str11 birthdt_str
      1 "11feb2004" "18mar2004" "01jan2004"
      1 "22nov2004" "28nov2004" "01jan2004"
      2 "11feb2004" "22feb2004" "01jan2004"
      2 "11feb2004" "12feb2004" "01jan2004"
      2 "22nov2004" "28nov2004" "01jan2004"
      3 "11feb2004" "25mar2004" "01jan2004"
      3 "22nov2004" "26nov2004" "01jan2004"
      3 "22nov2004" "30nov2004" "01jan2004"
      3 "22nov2004" "21feb2005" "01jan2004"
      4 "11feb2004" "25may2004" "01jan2004"
      4 "22nov2004" "15dec2004" "01jan2004"
      5 "11feb2004" "26jun2004" "01jan2004"
      * Convert date variables
      gen vaccination_dt = date(vaccination_dt, "DMY")
      gen hospitalization_dt = date(hospitalization_dt, "DMY")
      gen birthdt = date(birthdt, "DMY")
      gen admtday = hospitalization_dt - birthdt
      //Generate exposure group cut points
      //Risk period : 0-28 days, control period: 35-83 days
      gen cutp40 = vaccination_dt - birthdt -1 //Include vaccination day
      gen cutp41 = cutp40 + 29
      gen cutp42 = cutp40 + 35
      gen cutp43 = cutp40 + 84
      drop birthdt vaccination_dt hospitalization_dt
      reshape long cutp,i(indiv  admtday) j(type)
      sort indiv admtday cutp type
      //Number of hospitalization events within each interval
      by indiv : gen int nevents = 1 if admtday > cutp[_n-1]+0.5 & admtday <= cutp[_n]+0.5
      // A second ED visit\hospitalization during same risk or control window will be counted as a separate event if it occurred >7 days after the first.;
      sort indiv type nevents admtday cutp 
      collapse (sum) nevents, by(indiv  cutp type)
      //Generate intervals
      by indiv : gen int interval = cutp[_n] - cutp[_n-1]
      //Exposure groups
      gen exgr = type - 40 if type > 40
      count if exgr >= .
      local nmiss = r(N)
      local nchange = 1
      while `nchange' > 0 {
          by indiv: replace exgr = exgr[_n+1] if exgr >= . & !missing(exgr[_n-1])
          count if exgr >= .
          local nchange = `nmiss' - r(N)
          local nmiss = r(N)
      replace exgr = . if type == 40
      replace exgr = 0 if exgr == 3 //Control period
      replace exgr = . if inlist(exgr ,2) //Washout period
      drop if inlist(interval ,.,0) | exgr == .
      sort indiv cutp exgr
      drop cutp type
      generate loginterval = log(interval)
      xi: xtpoisson nevents i.exgr, fe i(indiv ) offset(loginterval ) irr
      i.exgr            _Iexgr_0-1          (naturally coded; _Iexgr_0 omitted)
      note: 1 group (2 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
      Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -11.203621  
      Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -8.1165048  
      Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -8.1153088  
      Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -8.1153087  
      Conditional fixed-effects Poisson regression    Number of obs     =         16
      Group variable: indiv                           Number of groups  =          4
                                                      Obs per group:
                                                                    min =          4
                                                                    avg =        4.0
                                                                    max =          4
                                                      Wald chi2(1)      =       4.91
      Log likelihood  = -8.1153087                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0266
           nevents |        IRR   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          _Iexgr_1 |   5.913793   4.741583     2.22   0.027     1.228532    28.46726
       loginterval |          1  (offset)
      I tried using sccsdta like below:
      gen eventday = hospitalization_dt - birthdt
      gen expday = vaccination_dt - birthdt -1
      gen enday = vaccination_dt - birthdt -1
      sccsdta eventday expday, en(enday)  r(0 28 34) t(84) 
      . xtpoisson _nevents i._exgr , fe i(_rowid) exposure(_interval) irr
      note: 3 groups (9 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
      Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -8.7278736  
      Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -4.9278887  
      Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -4.8018012  
      Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -4.7742483  
      Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -4.7689667  
      Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -4.7677265  
      Iteration 6:   log likelihood = -4.7674282  
      Iteration 7:   log likelihood = -4.7673685  
      Iteration 8:   log likelihood = -4.7673588  
      Iteration 9:   log likelihood = -4.7673564  
      Iteration 10:  log likelihood = -4.7673559  
      Conditional fixed-effects Poisson regression    Number of obs     =         27
      Group variable: _rowid                          Number of groups  =          9
                                                      Obs per group:
                                                                    min =          3
                                                                    avg =        3.0
                                                                    max =          3
                                                      Wald chi2(2)      =       5.22
      Log likelihood  = -4.7673559                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0734
          _nevents |        IRR   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             _exgr |
          ]0; 28]  |   6.248765   5.009883     2.29   0.022     1.298231    30.07712
         ]28; 34]  |   4.37e-07   .0013496    -0.00   0.996            0           .
      ln(_inter~l) |          1  (exposure)


      • #4
        Hello Gunnu
        I think your problem is that your start and end days are the same.
        I did set the end day to 365 in the option timepoints.

        . clear
        . input indiv str11 vac_dt_str str11 hosp_dt_str str11 birth_dt_str
                  indiv   vac_dt_str  hosp_dt_str  birth_dt_~r
          1. 1 "11feb2004" "18mar2004" "01jan2004"
          2. 1 "22nov2004" "28nov2004" "01jan2004"
          3. 2 "11feb2004" "22feb2004" "01jan2004"
          4. 2 "11feb2004" "12feb2004" "01jan2004"
          5. 2 "22nov2004" "28nov2004" "01jan2004"
          6. 3 "11feb2004" "25mar2004" "01jan2004"
          7. 3 "22nov2004" "26nov2004" "01jan2004"
          8. 3 "22nov2004" "30nov2004" "01jan2004"
          9. 3 "22nov2004" "21feb2005" "01jan2004"
         10. 4 "11feb2004" "25may2004" "01jan2004"
         11. 4 "22nov2004" "15dec2004" "01jan2004"
         12. 5 "11feb2004" "26jun2004" "01jan2004"
         13. end
        . * Convert date variables
        . gen vac_days = date(vac_dt_str, "DMY") - date(birth_dt_str, "DMY") - 1
        . gen hosp_days = date(hosp_dt_str, "DMY") - date(birth_dt_str, "DMY")
        . drop *_str
        . sccsdta hosp_days vac_days, enter(0) riskpoints(0 28 34) t(84 365)
        The SCCS regression summary table
                                         |       IRR       [95%        CI]   P(IRR=1) 
        At risk                          |                                           
                                    ctrl |     1.000          .          .          . 
                                 ]0; 28] |    25.099      5.657    111.363      0.000 
                                ]28; 34] |     0.000      0.000          .      0.996 
        Time group                       |                                           
                       ]enter; enter+84] |     1.000          .          .          . 
                   ]enter+84; enter+365] |     1.617      0.258     10.123      0.607
        Kind regards


