I'm trying to regress with xtreg, but before doing so, I wanted to use 'xtset globalcompanykey datayearfiscal':
xtset globalcompanykey datayearfiscal
repeated time values within panel
I went to check for duplicates and I got the following response:
duplicates report globalcompanykey datayearfiscal
Duplicates in terms of globalcompanykey datayearfiscal
Copies | Observations Surplus
1 | 99109 0
2 | 26408 13204
In these duplicates, some rows are having more missing data than their duplicate. I want to remove the duplicate row(s) with the least data. How can I best tackle this?
Edit 1:
My dataset contains multiple variables:
globalcomp~y population~e accountspa~e employees stockholde~l gdpgrowth ROA pct70 CCC_mature~m
datadate dataformat assetstotal inventorie~l activeinac~r DIO MB maturefirm~y
datayearfi~l tickersymbol costofgood~d receivable~e marketvalu~l DSO size growthfirm~y
industryfo~t companyname totaldebti~t revenuetotal standardin~o DPO leverage SME
levelofcon~a isocurrenc~e earningsbe~s salesturno~t salesgrowth CCC pct30 CCC_growth~m
I'm trying to regress with xtreg, but before doing so, I wanted to use 'xtset globalcompanykey datayearfiscal':
xtset globalcompanykey datayearfiscal
repeated time values within panel
I went to check for duplicates and I got the following response:
duplicates report globalcompanykey datayearfiscal
Duplicates in terms of globalcompanykey datayearfiscal
Copies | Observations Surplus
1 | 99109 0
2 | 26408 13204
In these duplicates, some rows are having more missing data than their duplicate. I want to remove the duplicate row(s) with the least data. How can I best tackle this?
Edit 1:
My dataset contains multiple variables:
globalcomp~y population~e accountspa~e employees stockholde~l gdpgrowth ROA pct70 CCC_mature~m
datadate dataformat assetstotal inventorie~l activeinac~r DIO MB maturefirm~y
datayearfi~l tickersymbol costofgood~d receivable~e marketvalu~l DSO size growthfirm~y
industryfo~t companyname totaldebti~t revenuetotal standardin~o DPO leverage SME
levelofcon~a isocurrenc~e earningsbe~s salesturno~t salesgrowth CCC pct30 CCC_growth~m