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  • xtpoisson, paneldata, interpretation

    Dear Stata-fan,

    I have an xtpoisson regression where the dependent variable is the number of pharmaceutical companies in a country. I normalized this by adding exposure (population).
    Now I'm busy interpreting the variables. A first example is the percentage of highly educated people in a country (e.g. coefficient 0.069).
    Is the interpretation correct: every one percentage point increase in the percentage of highly educated people is associated with an increase of approximately 0.069 units in the number of pharmaceutical companies per capita.
    Firstly: can I say per capita due to that exposure (population) and secondly, is the interpretation correct? Another type of variable is, for example, the number of chemical companies per capita, after which I also took the logarithm of this variable (coefficient eg 0.3556).
    Is the interpretation correct? 'A percentage increase in the number of chemical companies per capita leads to an expected increase of 0.3556363% in the number of pharmaceutical companies per capita.'

    Ward Bruurs