hello and thanks in advance.
I have an issue with the options of a table created by esttab command:
* Save the results of the pooled regression in a table
label variable capacity_manu_avg "Manufacturing average"
esttab reg_DE reg_ES reg_FR reg_IT reg_UK using "$export_directory/capacity_backcasting.tex", /// The order is important!
replace f b(3) se(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
keep(capacity_manu_avg) ///
label booktabs nonotes gaps noobs nolines nonum collabels(none) alignment(D{.}{.}{-1}) ///
mtitles("Germany" "Spain" "France" "Italy" "UK") scalars("N Observations" "r2 R-squared") sfmt(%13.0fc %13.2fc )
est clear
The result of this code is the image attached. However i would like to have an horizontal line between the name of the countries and the estimates below.
I have tried to change the option "nolines" into lines and the result is the second image attached which is not ideal since the horizontal lines appear both between the name of the countries and the estimates and between the estimates and obsevations.
Does anyone know an option that can help?
I have an issue with the options of a table created by esttab command:
* Save the results of the pooled regression in a table
label variable capacity_manu_avg "Manufacturing average"
esttab reg_DE reg_ES reg_FR reg_IT reg_UK using "$export_directory/capacity_backcasting.tex", /// The order is important!
replace f b(3) se(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
keep(capacity_manu_avg) ///
label booktabs nonotes gaps noobs nolines nonum collabels(none) alignment(D{.}{.}{-1}) ///
mtitles("Germany" "Spain" "France" "Italy" "UK") scalars("N Observations" "r2 R-squared") sfmt(%13.0fc %13.2fc )
est clear
The result of this code is the image attached. However i would like to have an horizontal line between the name of the countries and the estimates below.
I have tried to change the option "nolines" into lines and the result is the second image attached which is not ideal since the horizontal lines appear both between the name of the countries and the estimates and between the estimates and obsevations.
Does anyone know an option that can help?