Hello all,
I am completing a meta-analysis of proportions of patients experiencing x outcome. As recommended by Barker et al. I am planning to report predictive intervals as well as confidence intervals in results with high I2 values.
I used command
which produced the following:
I appreciate that perhaps the 95% prediction interval is not listed because it is so vanishgly small as to not be relevant, however, for my own understanding I would appreciate any advice on determining the actual predictive interval here.
Thank you,
I am completing a meta-analysis of proportions of patients experiencing x outcome. As recommended by Barker et al. I am planning to report predictive intervals as well as confidence intervals in results with high I2 values.
I used command
meta summarize, proportion predinterval
Effect-size label: Freeman–Tukey's p Effect size: _meta_es Std. err.: _meta_se Meta-analysis summary Number of studies = 2 Random-effects model Heterogeneity: Method: REML tau2 = 0.0533 I2 (%) = 69.76 H2 = 3.31 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Study | Proportion [95% conf. interval] % weight ------------------+------------------------------------------------- Study 1 | 0.283 0.161 0.423 51.04 Study 2 | 0.475 0.321 0.631 48.96 ------------------+------------------------------------------------- invftukey(theta) | 0.374 0.198 0.569 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 95% prediction interval for invftukey(theta): [ ., .] Test of theta = 0: z = 5.99 Prob > |z| = 0.0000 Test of homogeneity: Q = chi2(1) = 3.31 Prob > Q = 0.0690
Thank you,