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  • Applying baseline and predict probability

    I am trying to use STATA to deal with my assignment:
    My data includes : trust_localgov as dependent variable; age, male, edu, eco_sat are predictors variables

    ‧trust_localgov: trust towards the local government (4- a great deal of trust; 3- quite a lot of trust; 2- not very much trust; 1- not at all trust)
    ‧male: sex (1- male; 0-female)
    ‧age: 18-89 years old
    ‧edu: level of education (1-10 level; 8-incomplete college; 9-complete college; 10-post graduate degree)
    ‧eco_sat: economic satisfaction (1- not satisfied at all; 2- somewhat unsatisfied; 3-satisfied; 4- very satisfied)

    Questions:If we apply a baseline profile with “40 years old male who is very satisfied with economic situation”, please report the predicted probability of choosing 4 ordered categories by varying the education level from 1 to 10.

    the logit regression i ran:
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1750637

    I dont understand how to use stata to apply base line with male=1 age=40 and eco_sat=4 and run the edu to predict p

    any help appreciated!
    thank you so much
    Last edited by Bloom Le; 20 Apr 2024, 07:18.