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  • Panel Data With Small N and Small T

    Dear All,
    I am trying to conduct a study on the scientific production of universities in my country. I have a panel data with a small T (14 years) and a small N (7 universities). The explanatory variables are 5: resources allocated exclusively to research $, number of faculty members, a proxy for good management by university authorities, an index of development of the corresponding region where the university is located and a categorical variable (whether the university has accreditation).
    I tried POLS and Fixed Effect:
    1) reg sci_prod [indepvars], vce(cluster univ)
    2) xtreg sci_prod [indepvars], fe
    and test:
    - xttest3 (p<0.05),
    - xtcsd, pesaran abs (p>0.05)
    - xtserial (p<0.05)
    so, is it suitable xtreg sci_prod [indepvars], fe vce(cluster univ), despite the sample size?

    Am I correct in this case? Or other methodology is more suitable?
    Thanks so much for all response!

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    As your T>N, I would take a look at -xtregar-.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      With such small sample sizes you can’t do much beyond the basis. Include dummy variables for university any year — two-way fixed effects. You can’t really make you standard errors robust to serial correlation.

