Hello all,
I've run the syntax below to generate a figure where the three lines the right of the red vertical line should be dashed (as specified by -lpattern(dash)- when year>2020). However, they are still appearing as solid lines. It seems I'm overlooking something here, but am clueless what it might be. Would appreciate any insight you could share.
I've run the syntax below to generate a figure where the three lines the right of the red vertical line should be dashed (as specified by -lpattern(dash)- when year>2020). However, they are still appearing as solid lines. It seems I'm overlooking something here, but am clueless what it might be. Would appreciate any insight you could share.
twoway (scatter yesC_group1_score2 year if year>2020, msymbol(t) mcolor(orange_red)) /// (scatter yesC_group2_score2 year if year>2020, msymbol(t) mcolor(black)) /// (scatter yesC_group3_score2 year if year>2020, msymbol(t) mcolor(green)) /// (line noC_group1`_score2 year if year>2020, lcolor(orange_red) lpattern(dash)) /// (line noC_group2_score2 year if year>2020, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)) /// (line noC_group3_score2 year if year>2020, lcolor(green) lpattern(dash)) /// (line noC_group1_score year if 2016<year<=2020, lcolor(orange_red) lpattern(solid)) /// (line noC_group2_score year if 2016<year<=2020, lcolor(black) lpattern(solid)) /// (line noC_group3_score year if 2016<year<=2020, lcolor(green) lpattern(solid)), /// title("Test ") xtitle(" Year") xline(2020.5, lcolor(red)) graphregion(color(white)) xlabel(2017(1)2023) ysize(2) xsize(2.5) ylabel(305(5)330, gmin gmax angle(0)) ytitle("Score ") legend(cols(2) order(1 4 2 5 3 6 7 8) label (1 "Group1") label (1 "Group1 - condition 1") label (2 "Group2 - condition 1") label (3 "Group3 - condition 1") label (4 "Group1 - condition 0") label (5 "Group2 - condition 0") label (6 "Group3 - condition 0")) leg(off)