. Hello, I am currently writing my Bachelor thesis and a complete Stata/Statistics beginner.
My task was to replicate an easy multivariate regression using the reghdfe command. I get satisfactory results which are significant despite the presence of a lot of control variables. However I just stumbled upon the subject of multicolinearity and checked for it using vif uncentered. And some of my controling variables have ViFs above 30, my main variable of interested has one of 15. Is that an issue? since from what I understood the problem with multicolinearity is that it makes variables insignificant but that isn't the case for my main predictor. How do I deal with this? I am not allowed to change the regression model due to the fact that I am repicating/ confirming another paper. The authors of the original paper I am replicating do not adress multicolinearity at all. The aim of their paper is to prove a causal relationship between a varibale and stock market reactions. please help, my thesis is due in a couple of days.
My task was to replicate an easy multivariate regression using the reghdfe command. I get satisfactory results which are significant despite the presence of a lot of control variables. However I just stumbled upon the subject of multicolinearity and checked for it using vif uncentered. And some of my controling variables have ViFs above 30, my main variable of interested has one of 15. Is that an issue? since from what I understood the problem with multicolinearity is that it makes variables insignificant but that isn't the case for my main predictor. How do I deal with this? I am not allowed to change the regression model due to the fact that I am repicating/ confirming another paper. The authors of the original paper I am replicating do not adress multicolinearity at all. The aim of their paper is to prove a causal relationship between a varibale and stock market reactions. please help, my thesis is due in a couple of days.