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  • Conditional and Mixed Logit Model Table

    I am trying to recreate this conditional and mixed logit model table -

    My code for the conditional logit model is:
    * 1. Pooled
    asclogit choice, casevar(post cm lnb ) case(id) alternatives(alt_categoryfixedeffect)

    * 2. units
    asclogit choice if deregulated == 1, casevar(post cm lnb ) case(id) alternatives(alt_categoryfixedeffect)

    * 3. units
    asclogit choice if regulated == 1, casevar(post cm lnb ) case(id) alternatives(alt_categoryfixedeffect)

    but it is yielding results like this
    I want to suppress the alternative specific indicators so I only get one coefficient like the example I am trying to recreate but not sure how. I have tried the noconstant command which was recommended but this yielded the same table.

    Last edited by Daisy Wilkinson; 17 Apr 2024, 08:57.

  • #2
    What are the results that it is yielding? Also, what version of Stata are you working with. The help file for asclogit says that it has been replaced with cmclogit as of Stata 16.


    • #3
      Please see my other post - I have the results it is yielding on there. They are repeating for each alternative specific indicator whereas I am looking for one coefficient (suppress the alternatives). I am working with Stata 18. When I try using that command instead it does not allow for case() and alternatives()

