Dear all,
I want to calculate the adjusted prediction of the count of CT scans for each year from 2015 to 2022, per the anatomical area of the scan. The outcomes I am analysing are total_headCT, total_neckCT, total_chestCT, total_abdopelCT, total_spineCT, and total_otherCT. My initial plan is to conduct six separate negative binomial (or Poisson) models for each outcome, estimate the margins, and then combine these into a single marginsplot.
My question is: Is this approach acceptable? I reviewed similar literature where they used negative binomial models for count data, but there were no details on whether the analyses were conducted in one combined model or in separate models. Additionally, if I run six separate models, how can I create a margins plot ( a line ) that includes all the trends in one graph?
Description of the data:
Observations are per individual patient. For each patient, I have their sociodemographic characteristics, diagnosis, arrival mode, and other factors that I wish to adjust for in order to calculate the count for each year.
One patient may experience more than one of the outcomes. For example, they might have a head CT, a neck CT and a spine CT.
Below are examples of two codes I used to model head and neck CT scans separately:
nbreg total_headCT ib(first).pre_year_cat ib(first).age_grp ib(first).p_sex ib(first).ind_stat3 ib(first).claim_grp ib(first).triage_code ib(first).PD_grp4 ib(first).treat_clin_exp2 ib(first).rf_source4 ib(first).arri_means_grp4 ib(first).pre_shift ib(first).pre_day_type , dispersion(mean) irr allbaselevels
margins pre_year_cat
nbreg total_neckCT ib(first).pre_year_cat ib(first).age_grp ib(first).p_sex ib(first).ind_stat3 ib(first).claim_grp ib(first).triage_code ib(first).PD_grp4 ib(first).treat_clin_exp2 ib(first).rf_source4 ib(first).arri_means_grp4 ib(first).pre_shift ib(first).pre_day_type , dispersion(mean) irr allbaselevels
margins pre_year_cat
I hope my explanation is clear, and I would greatly appreciate any advice, help, or replies.
I want to calculate the adjusted prediction of the count of CT scans for each year from 2015 to 2022, per the anatomical area of the scan. The outcomes I am analysing are total_headCT, total_neckCT, total_chestCT, total_abdopelCT, total_spineCT, and total_otherCT. My initial plan is to conduct six separate negative binomial (or Poisson) models for each outcome, estimate the margins, and then combine these into a single marginsplot.
My question is: Is this approach acceptable? I reviewed similar literature where they used negative binomial models for count data, but there were no details on whether the analyses were conducted in one combined model or in separate models. Additionally, if I run six separate models, how can I create a margins plot ( a line ) that includes all the trends in one graph?
Description of the data:
Observations are per individual patient. For each patient, I have their sociodemographic characteristics, diagnosis, arrival mode, and other factors that I wish to adjust for in order to calculate the count for each year.
One patient may experience more than one of the outcomes. For example, they might have a head CT, a neck CT and a spine CT.
Below are examples of two codes I used to model head and neck CT scans separately:
nbreg total_headCT ib(first).pre_year_cat ib(first).age_grp ib(first).p_sex ib(first).ind_stat3 ib(first).claim_grp ib(first).triage_code ib(first).PD_grp4 ib(first).treat_clin_exp2 ib(first).rf_source4 ib(first).arri_means_grp4 ib(first).pre_shift ib(first).pre_day_type , dispersion(mean) irr allbaselevels
margins pre_year_cat
nbreg total_neckCT ib(first).pre_year_cat ib(first).age_grp ib(first).p_sex ib(first).ind_stat3 ib(first).claim_grp ib(first).triage_code ib(first).PD_grp4 ib(first).treat_clin_exp2 ib(first).rf_source4 ib(first).arri_means_grp4 ib(first).pre_shift ib(first).pre_day_type , dispersion(mean) irr allbaselevels
margins pre_year_cat
I hope my explanation is clear, and I would greatly appreciate any advice, help, or replies.