Hello! I'm trying to run the xtpmg command and this is my code:
xtpmg d.economic_growth d.tourism_expenditure_billions d.tourism_receipts_billions d.financial_development d.domestic_savings d.domestic_investment d.trade_openness d.FDI_billions, lr(l.economic_growth tourism_expenditure_billions tourism_receipts_billions financial_development domestic_savings domestic_investment trade_openness FDI_billions) ec(ECT) replace pmg
When I run it, stata gives me this error:
initial values not feasible
I know for a fact that there is an issue with the variable "tourism_receipts_billions" because when I exclude it, the model runs normally. I had the same issue with tourism_expenditure_billions and FDI_billions but I rescaled them to be in billions of USD instead of USD to reduce the magnitude of the values and now the model works with both variables. I did the same to tourism_receipts_billions but the model still doesn't run.
When I run the same model but with mg at the end of pmg, this error comes up:
expression (-_b[tourism_expenditure_billions]/_b[L.economic_growth]) evaluates to missing
Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be?
xtpmg d.economic_growth d.tourism_expenditure_billions d.tourism_receipts_billions d.financial_development d.domestic_savings d.domestic_investment d.trade_openness d.FDI_billions, lr(l.economic_growth tourism_expenditure_billions tourism_receipts_billions financial_development domestic_savings domestic_investment trade_openness FDI_billions) ec(ECT) replace pmg
When I run it, stata gives me this error:
initial values not feasible
I know for a fact that there is an issue with the variable "tourism_receipts_billions" because when I exclude it, the model runs normally. I had the same issue with tourism_expenditure_billions and FDI_billions but I rescaled them to be in billions of USD instead of USD to reduce the magnitude of the values and now the model works with both variables. I did the same to tourism_receipts_billions but the model still doesn't run.
When I run the same model but with mg at the end of pmg, this error comes up:
expression (-_b[tourism_expenditure_billions]/_b[L.economic_growth]) evaluates to missing
Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be?