I am performing a meta analysis using meta forestplots and my x axis shows fractions (see below). I would like to change it so it shows decimals. Unfortunately I have not found a potential solution on the stata manual or old stata list posts and would appreciate any insights.
This is my code
meta set lnor_live lnlci_live lnuci_live, random(dlaird) eslabel(Odds Ratio) studylabel(StudyID) civartolerance(0.0055)
meta forestplot, random(dlaird) columnopts(_esci, title(OR (95% CI)) supertitle("")) eform(OR) cibind(parentheses) xscale(range(0.05 4)) xlabel(#7) noohomtest noosigtest nullrefline esrefline(lpattern(dash))
Thank you,
I am performing a meta analysis using meta forestplots and my x axis shows fractions (see below). I would like to change it so it shows decimals. Unfortunately I have not found a potential solution on the stata manual or old stata list posts and would appreciate any insights.
This is my code
meta set lnor_live lnlci_live lnuci_live, random(dlaird) eslabel(Odds Ratio) studylabel(StudyID) civartolerance(0.0055)
meta forestplot, random(dlaird) columnopts(_esci, title(OR (95% CI)) supertitle("")) eform(OR) cibind(parentheses) xscale(range(0.05 4)) xlabel(#7) noohomtest noosigtest nullrefline esrefline(lpattern(dash))
Thank you,