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  • xtdpdsys no observations r(2000)

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to statistics and Stata so I'm all lost here.

    My data is panel data, consisting of 98 countries, each country has a number of firms, starting from 2013 to 2022 (in short, this is World Bank Enterprise Survey data, and it's unbalanced - some countries only cover 1 year or 2 years, and some cover maximum of 3 years).

    I want to run a system GMM regression to estimate how digital finance can affect firms' access to finance. My dependent variable is ATF, independent variables: NoMMA, NoMMT, VMMT, NoMIBT, VMIBT, control variables: GDP_G, CPI, Trade, Upop, Age, OpSec, Size, Ownership, ExStat. The dependent variable has every value for every firm, the independent variables have many missing values.

    xtset Firm Year
    panel variable: Firm (weakly balanced)
    time variable: Year, 2013 to 2022
    delta: 1 unit

    For the SYS-GMM, I'm using this command:

    xtdpdsys ATF NoMMA NoMMT VMMT NoMIBT VMIBT, noconstant lags(2) twostep artests(2)

    However, when I run it I get r(2000) no observations knowing that all my variables are numeric. I even changed those 5 independent variables to other variables that have every value for each firm, but it still shows the same error.

    Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you in advance!
    Last edited by Kaylin Morris; 12 Apr 2024, 06:27. Reason: add tags

  • #2
    You have specified option lags(2), which adds two lags of the dependent variable as regressors. This requires at least 3 time periods for the model in levels and at least 4 time periods for the model in first differences.

    More on dynamic panel data GMM estimation:

