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  • assessing for variation - simple

    hello, I am trying to prove that low income individuals are more likely to use a variety of cars compare to high income individuals who are morelikely to use one type of car

    Would you kindly recommend how I can show this?

    I can use a simple

    tab type car_model
    Can you recommend any other way, not sure if I'm being clear?

    A simple
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float(type car_model id)
    1 1 12
    1 1 13
    1 2 17
    2 1 16
    2 2 19
    2 3 20
    2 4 21
    label values type m
    label def m 1 "high income", modify
    label def m 2 "low income", modify
    label values car_model q
    label def q 1 "volvo", modify
    label def q 2 "fiat", modify
    label def q 3 "mercedes", modify
    label def q 4 "renault", modify
    Last edited by Rose Matthews; 12 Apr 2024, 03:37.

  • #2
    you may want to try:
     tabulate car_model type , chi2 col
    | Key               |
    |     frequency     |
    | column percentage |
               |         type
     car_model | high inco  low incom |     Total
         volvo |         2          1 |         3 
               |     66.67      25.00 |     42.86 
          fiat |         1          1 |         2 
               |     33.33      25.00 |     28.57 
      mercedes |         0          1 |         1 
               |      0.00      25.00 |     14.29 
       renault |         0          1 |         1 
               |      0.00      25.00 |     14.29 
         Total |         3          4 |         7 
               |    100.00     100.00 |    100.00 
              Pearson chi2(3) =   2.2361   Pr = 0.525
    or -mlogit-.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Try Chi squared test
      Last edited by Denise Vella; 12 Apr 2024, 05:47.


      • #4
        Grazzie Carlo

        however, I wasn’t really looking for significance / chi squared (i thought I should have added it in my first post)

        i want to say that high income indiviuals are more likely to have one good car compared to low income who are more likely to have a variety of cheap cars.

        but it can’t seem to come to me what technique I should use or in that case how to set up my data ?

        another way I thought of is categorising for eg 1 car vs 2 or more cars. However, this would mean I know that the upper threshold of variety which in this case I’m saying its 2 or more

        i’m sure it’s simple but I can’t seem to think how to set it up my date


        • #5
          see -mlogit, then.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)

