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  • PSCE model with FIXED effects

    Hello everyone,
    I'm trying to run a PSCE model with fixed effects as Im trying to recreate a regression from this article,, where they use this model. I've tried running this code,

    > xtreg DC l.DC REALI M2 GFCF GDP_GR ln_GDP_PC INEQ DEREG PORTF i.Years, fe vce(cluster countryID) which aims to do the same thing but obviously this isnt a PSCE model. So I have been told to use xtpcse but this command on this own doesnt work with a standard, fe. So I think i need to manually need to add dummies and now I don't know how to go forward.
    And when i run my xtpcse it just gives me this error code, even before i add my dummies to account for fixed effects: no time periods are common to all panels, cannot estimate disturbance
    covariance matrix using casewise inclusion

    This is my xtreg code that "works"

    eststo: xtreg DC l.DC REALI M2 GFCF GDP_GR ln_GDP_PC INEQ DEREG PORTF i.Years, fe vce(cluster countryID)

    this is my xtpcse that doesnt work right now

    eststo: xtpcse DC l.DC i.Years REALI M2 GFCF GDP_GR ln_GDP_PC INEQ DEREG PORTF

    So im looking for your input, help would be greatly appreciated since this is apart of my bachelors thesis ha ha ha
    Last edited by Der Lancken; 11 Apr 2024, 09:00.

  • #2
    If my memory serves, Beck and Katz (1995) pcse standard errors are appropriate if T>N, which happens seldomly. Is this your case?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Maxence Morlet View Post
      If my memory serves, Beck and Katz (1995) pcse standard errors are appropriate if T>N, which happens seldomly. Is this your case?
      No you're right its not. I will try to estimate a GMM sys modell to deal with the problems that the PCSE will have, but I'd first like to see what the PCSE gives me. But maybe that is a waste of time...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maxence Morlet View Post
        If my memory serves, Beck and Katz (1995) pcse standard errors are appropriate if T>N, which happens seldomly. Is this your case?
        My last post is incorrect, T is actually > N, i have 20 countries and 37 years.


        • #5
          I do not know pcse that well, but again, if my memory serves, in terms of type 1 errors, in this case with T>N, Driscoll & Kraay (1998) standard errors may outperform Beck and Katz (1995) standard errors. They can be implemented using the community contributed command xtscc.

