I'm reading an article in which the following regression model is estimated:
Yict= b0 + b1 Xict + PIit +RHOci + ZETAct + uict ,
where i,c,t denote the industry sector, the country, and time, respectively. The authors claim that this panel approach includes industry-year (PIit), country-sector (RHOci), and country-year(ZETAct) fixed effects.
What kind of regression model is this? Could you suggest any reference about it? Why is the intercept b0 included if we have fixed effects?
Is it feasible to estimate a regression model like this:
Yict= b1 Xic,t-1 + b2 Xict + b3 Hct + b4 Kct + PIit +RHOci + ZETAct+ uict
where I added the lagged value of the continuous explanatory variable X, and I added two new predictors. These predictors consist of a categorical variable (Hct ) and a continuous variable (Kct) both of which remain constant across county-industries.
Any references about a suitable STATA command?
Yict= b0 + b1 Xict + PIit +RHOci + ZETAct + uict ,
where i,c,t denote the industry sector, the country, and time, respectively. The authors claim that this panel approach includes industry-year (PIit), country-sector (RHOci), and country-year(ZETAct) fixed effects.
What kind of regression model is this? Could you suggest any reference about it? Why is the intercept b0 included if we have fixed effects?
Is it feasible to estimate a regression model like this:
Yict= b1 Xic,t-1 + b2 Xict + b3 Hct + b4 Kct + PIit +RHOci + ZETAct+ uict
where I added the lagged value of the continuous explanatory variable X, and I added two new predictors. These predictors consist of a categorical variable (Hct ) and a continuous variable (Kct) both of which remain constant across county-industries.
Any references about a suitable STATA command?