Hello everyone, I am trying to figure why does using the generate command with a local results in the error "Too few variables specified", but it works fine when used with a variable?
Below is my code, trying to generate a variable/macro based off of arguments given to be later used in running a DID regression. The problem lies in when generating the `K' macro. It does not work with `K', but works fine with the variable K. Why is this? Thank you for your answers in advance!
Below is my code, trying to generate a variable/macro based off of arguments given to be later used in running a DID regression. The problem lies in when generating the `K' macro. It does not work with `K', but works fine with the variable K. Why is this? Thank you for your answers in advance!
program define testfunction, eclass sortpreserve version 17.0 syntax varlist(min=5 max=5) /*initialize variables*/ tokenize `varlist' local Y `1' local i `2' local t `3' local ei `4' local group `5' gen K = (`t' - `ei') end