I have a quick (and hopefully easy) question to ask about the interpretation of my margins command. I have a model where I am trying to deduce the association of different types of shocks on the likelihood of child marriage. My dependent variable is a binary variable, child bride, taking the value 0 if they don't get married between two waves of data, and 1 if they do.
I have run a logit model in stata with the explanatory variables as shock101, shock102, shock112, shock113, and shock114. Each shock is also binary and has the value 0 if it didn't occur and 1 if it did occur.
After this, I have run the command 'margins, dydx(*) at(shock101=0 shock102=0 shock112=0 shock113=0 shock114=0)'
I think that this should give the marginal effect of each shock going from 0 to 1 (ie. of the shock happening) but I am not entirely sure.
If I have a marginal effect of shock101 as 0.246, would it be correct to say that 'experiencing shock101 is associated with a 24.6% higher likelihood of marriage'?
Thank you in advance!
I have a quick (and hopefully easy) question to ask about the interpretation of my margins command. I have a model where I am trying to deduce the association of different types of shocks on the likelihood of child marriage. My dependent variable is a binary variable, child bride, taking the value 0 if they don't get married between two waves of data, and 1 if they do.
I have run a logit model in stata with the explanatory variables as shock101, shock102, shock112, shock113, and shock114. Each shock is also binary and has the value 0 if it didn't occur and 1 if it did occur.
After this, I have run the command 'margins, dydx(*) at(shock101=0 shock102=0 shock112=0 shock113=0 shock114=0)'
I think that this should give the marginal effect of each shock going from 0 to 1 (ie. of the shock happening) but I am not entirely sure.
If I have a marginal effect of shock101 as 0.246, would it be correct to say that 'experiencing shock101 is associated with a 24.6% higher likelihood of marriage'?
Thank you in advance!