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  • Fisher-type unit-root test: P-value

    Hi all, I am doing a panel analysis with 20 years and 114 countries. I wanted to check for stationarity to avoid having a spurious regression. I checked for all variables and one of the variables had mixed results for the p-value. Both the "Inverse chi-squared" & "Modified inv. chi-squared" were less than 0.05 but the "Inverse normal" & "Inverse logit" were greater than 0.05. I am not sure if I should accept or reject the null hypothesis in this case. Thank you!
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  • #2
    From Choi, In. 2001. “Unit Root Tests for Panel Data.” Journal of International Money and Finance 20 (2): 249–72.

    Major findings of our experiments can be summarized as follows
    5. The simulation results do not provide a definitive guideline on how large N should be for the
    Pm test to be used instead of the P test. At least, N=100 seems to be too small for the Pm test
    to have its asymptotic distribution.

    6. Considering the trade-off between size and power, the Z test seems to outperform the other
    tests, and hence is recommended for empirical applications. Furthermore, another advantage
    of the Z test is that it can be used for both finite and infinite N (page 268)
    See also page 18:
    Last edited by Scott Merryman; 09 Apr 2024, 19:54.


    • #3
      Dear Scott,
      Thank you for sharing this reference with me. Now that I can conclude that this variable is not stationary. I am not sure how to proceed.
      I was thinking of demeaning it or detrending it. However, I am not sure how to do this for a panel analysis.
      Any suggestions?

      Thank you.


      • #4
        Differencing or de-trending are common ways to proceed. Here is an example testing after first differencing.

        .  webuse pennxrate
        .  xtunitroot fisher xrate if g7 ==1, dfuller lag(1)
        Fisher-type unit-root test for xrate
        Based on augmented Dickey–Fuller tests
        H0: All panels contain unit roots           Number of panels  =      6
        Ha: At least one panel is stationary        Number of periods =     34
        AR parameter: Panel-specific                Asymptotics: T -> Infinity
        Panel means:  Included
        Time trend:   Not included
        Drift term:   Not included                  ADF regressions: 1 lag
                                          Statistic      p-value
         Inverse chi-squared(12)   P        14.9798       0.2425
         Inverse normal            Z        -1.0440       0.1483
         Inverse logit t(34)       L*       -1.0047       0.1611
         Modified inv. chi-squared Pm        0.6082       0.2715
         P statistic requires number of panels to be finite.
         Other statistics are suitable for finite or infinite number of panels.
        .  xtunitroot fisher d.xrate if g7 ==1, dfuller lag(1)
        (151 missing values generated)
        Fisher-type unit-root test for D.xrate
        Based on augmented Dickey–Fuller tests
        H0: All panels contain unit roots           Number of panels  =      6
        Ha: At least one panel is stationary        Number of periods =     33
        AR parameter: Panel-specific                Asymptotics: T -> Infinity
        Panel means:  Included
        Time trend:   Not included
        Drift term:   Not included                  ADF regressions: 1 lag
                                          Statistic      p-value
         Inverse chi-squared(12)   P        79.1646       0.0000
         Inverse normal            Z        -7.2629       0.0000
         Inverse logit t(34)       L*       -9.0419       0.0000
         Modified inv. chi-squared Pm       13.7099       0.0000
         P statistic requires number of panels to be finite.
         Other statistics are suitable for finite or infinite number of panels.


        • #5
          Thank you. first differencing worked perfectly

