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  • Problem with Heteroskedasticity


    I have panel data comprising 26 countries and 22 years. I want to test the effect of the political and legal environment on the M&A activity both measured through the number of deals and total volume.
    After running the Hausman test, Fixed Effect is suggested but, under "robust" setup all the independent variables lose significance.
    I had in mind to take the first difference of my dependent variables, but I have a couple of questions regarding the code and the way to proceed.

     xtunitroot llc num_deals if country, lags (4)
    With the Augmented DF, resulting in a 0.58 p-value, it suggests the presence of unit root, while with the second Y variable, I have a p-value of 0.002
    xtunitroot llc ln_value_deals if country, lags (4)
    1) what's the right set to run the first difference, justifying it according to unit-root test?
    2) is there a way in which we can deal with heteroskedasticity to obtain significant results?

    Many thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Lorenzo Panetta; 09 Apr 2024, 05:27.

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    1) see -D.- operator in -help tsvarlist-;
    2) nothing, except invoking- robust- because of heteroskedasticity, with no expectation about statistically significant results, as results are what they are.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      rewrote below


      • #4
        Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
        welcome to this forum.
        1) see -D.- operator in -help tsvarlist-;
        2) nothing, except invoking- robust- because of heteroskedasticity, with no expectation about statistically significant results, as results are what they are.


        Thank you so much for your answer!
        I have already tried d. command to execute the first difference, but when I run ADF variables still shows unit-root presence.
        I used a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to create a new variable out of 4 with high degree of correlation with the following code

        pca gov_int gov_eff jud_ind prop_ri // Principal Component Analysis (create a new variable)
        screeplot // 1 variable above 1 -> 1 component Eigenvalue
        pca gov_int gov_eff jud_ind prop_ri, mineigen(1)
        estat loadings
        predict pol_var, score // new variable, representing 4 with high correlation
        estat kmo // Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy > 0.5 -> high correlation, good
        only under this setting the regression
        reghdfe ln_num_deals pol_var tax cap_contr burea_cost gdp_grw infl debt int_rate mkt_ret mkt_vol, absorb (id) vce(cluster id)
        shows me significant results.


        • #5
          as you absorbed -id- only and clustered on a single variable, your -reghdfe- code is like:
           xtset id timevar xtreg ln_num_deals pol_var tax cap_contr burea_cost gdp_grw infl debt int_rate mkt_ret mkt_vol i.timevar, fe vce(cluster id)
          In addition, -timevar- should be included in your code.
          Kind regards,
          (StataNow 18.5)

