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  • How to create an ambivalence scale

    Hello, I am currently trying to create a scale that measures ambivalence. To do this I am combining a measure of conflict (0-4 with 0 being no conflict and 4 being lots of conflict) and a measure of closeness (0-4 with 0 being not close and 4 being very close). The idea is that relationships that show high levels of conflict and closeness are less ambivalent and those that show low levels of conflict and closeness are more ambivalence. Any advice of how to combine and code these two variables to create an ambivalence measure? I want to use the Griffins formula, to calculate ambivalance which is is ((P + N)/2 - |P–N|), where P = positive (closeness) and N = negative emotions (conflict). Higher values represent higher levels of emotional ambivalence.
    Last edited by Huda Jabbar; 08 Apr 2024, 18:12.

  • #2
    Well, to follow that equation you showed:
    gen ambivalence = (closeness + conflict)/2 - abs(closeness - conflict)

