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  • merlin_xb_2(): 3001 expected 3 arguments but received 2 - Stata error following predictms help

    Hi as you may know, i've been using -predictms- I've had several problems despite following the official stata conference slides of 2017 and 2018. There's been an update but unfortunately the slides haven't been updated. I've now been following -help predictms- However I still have problems as you can see below

    I've created a new thread as I've made some progress compared to the previous post. Any thoughts how I can fix it? Do you normal users if you load this code, do you get the same error?

    clear all
    msset, id(pid) states(rfi osi) times(rf os) covariates(age)
    //Stores matrix callted tmat name, stores the values from transmatrix
    mat tmat = r(transmatrix)
    //Displays tmat ie the values of transmatrix
    mat list tmat
    //Declare survival data
    stset _stop, enter(_start) failure(_status=1) scale(12)
    stmerlin age if _trans1==1, distribution(weibull)
    estimate store m1
    stmerlin age if _trans2==1, distribution(weibull)
    estimate store m2
    stmerlin age if _trans3==1, distribution(weibull)
    estimate store m3
    ///transition probabilities for a patient with age 50  
    predictms, transmatrix(tmat) models(m1 m2 m3) probability at1(age 50)
    However I obtain the following error:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 13.04.16.png
Views:	1
Size:	516.4 KB
ID:	1749249

  • #2


    • #3
      Hi thanks for confirming this.
      i’ve tried to call redanalytics on their sweedish phone but went to voicemail
      i’ve also emailed directly M Crowther, hopefully either of us will get an answer


      • #4
        Seems some mix-up of versions may have caused the problem. A clean install and a restart of Stata run the example(ref
        capt ado uninstall merlin
        capture ado uninstall stmerlin 
        capt ado uninstall multistate
        net install merlin, from("")
        net install stmerlin, from("")
        net install multistate, from("")
        * RESTART Stata
        use, clear
        msset, id(pid) states(rfi osi) times(rf os)
        mat tmat = r(transmatrix)
        stset _stop, enter(_start) failure(_status=1)
        stmerlin age if _trans1==1, distribution(weibull)
        estimate store m1
        stmerlin age if _trans2==1, distribution(weibull)
        estimate store m2
        stmerlin age if _trans3==1, distribution(weibull)
        estimates store m3
        predictms, transmatrix(tmat) models(m1 m2 m3) probability at1(age 50)


        • #5
          I was just going to post this as I got a reply from the author
          Note to future users - the github link has the latest version so download from here rather than -ssc install-

          fantastic ! It now works !

