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  • Sensitivity and Specificit - Starter

    So Ive recently started using Stata. On previous forums I read how when calculating specificity and sensitivity, the correct syntax would be roctab GoldStandard NewTest... nevertheless according to the manual roctab NewTest GoldStandard appears to be the correct syntax. When running diagtest, you can actually receive information on what Stata is getting True D as (NOT AVAILABLE WITH ROCTAB), and with that, diagtest NewTest GoldStandard is most definitely the correct syntax.

    I need some help on getting a definite answer about the correct syntax for roctab.

  • #2
    Im also having trouble as to why diagtest command uses 0 as true d rather 1 in binomial testing.

    diagtest diagtestA diagtestF if sospeingeaspi == 1
    (887 observations deleted)

    | diagtestF
    diagtestA | 0 1 | Total
    0 | 49 53 | 102
    1 | 19 44 | 63
    Total | 68 97 | 165

    True D defined as diagtestF ~= 0 [95% Conf. Inter.]
    Sensitivity Pr( +| D) 45.36% 37.76% 52.96%
    Specificity Pr( -|~D) 72.06% 65.21% 78.91%
    Positive predictive value Pr( D| +) 69.84% 62.84% 76.84%
    Negative predictive value Pr(~D| -) 48.04% 40.42% 55.66%
    Prevalence Pr(D) 58.79% 51.28% 66.30%


    • #3
      The PDF documentation is the definitive source of information for Stata commands. The syntax of -roctab- is given there as -roctab refvar classvar...-. refvar means the true diagnostic state, and classvar means the test result, as is explained in the second paragraph under the Description heading.

      As for diagtest, it is a user written command, so any question as to the design choices made by its author would have to be directed to that author. However, in this case, I think you are misreading things.
      True D defined as diagtestF ~= 0 [95% Conf. Inter.]
      (emphasis added)
      ~= is one of the two ways to say "does not equal" in Stata. (The other is !=.) So True D is defined as diagtestF is not 0.


      • #4
        Thank you so much. This solves it.

