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  • After -mixed- multilevel analysis GRAPHS

    Hello, fellow colleagues and professors.

    I'm currently finishing my master's and carrying out a multilevel analysis on food consumption and nutritional status of children divided into groups according to health access coverage. I want to create a graphic similar to the one attached below (present in the study by Sanders, Turrell and Slade, 2008,

    In the X axis, I want to use the group variable (class_cob), with 4 quartiles of coverage
    In the Y axis, the mean + se (or sd, not sure here, maybe you can help) for my outcome variable (bmi - continuous variable)
    And for the colors, the HDI for the municipalities the children are in (var name 'class_idhm': 4 categories - low, medium, high, very high)

    Can you help me create a code to generate this?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	WhatsApp Image 2024-04-07 at 12.13.12.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	155.1 KB
ID:	1749156

  • #2
    p.s.: I'm using Stata 13.1

