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  • Summing observations based on unique id for different age category


    i have to find grand total for each unique unitid for the following age category.

    The efage09 variable give the grand total of students for each year. this is data of each students in a unique academic insitituion (unitid) for different age category. I want to get the grand total of students for each unitid based on the following 8 age categories:

    Age category

    1. efbage 3 "Age under 18" + efbage 4 "Age 18-19"
    2. efbage 5 "Age 20-21" + efbage 6 "Age 22-24"
    3. efbage 8 "Age 25-29",
    4. efbage 9 "Age 30-34"
    5. efbage 10 "Age 35-39"
    6. efbage 11 "Age 40-49
    7. efbage 12 "Age 50-64"
    8. efbage 13 "Age 65 and over"

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input long unitid byte(efbage lstudy) long efage09
    100654  1 1  6076
    100654  1 2  4978
    100654  1 5  1098
    100654  2 1  4386
    100654  2 2  4094
    100654  2 5   292
    100654  3 1   943
    100654  3 2   941
    100654  3 5     2
    100654  4 1  1699
    100654  4 2  1698
    100654  4 5     1
    100654  5 1   889
    100654  5 2   846
    100654  5 5    43
    100654  6 1   855
    100654  6 2   609
    100654  6 5   246
    100654  7 1  1335
    100654  7 2   529
    100654  7 5   806
    100654  8 1   548
    100654  8 2   251
    100654  8 5   297
    100654  9 1   260
    100654  9 2   103
    100654  9 5   157
    100654 10 1   164
    100654 10 2    57
    100654 10 5   107
    100654 11 1   262
    100654 11 2    93
    100654 11 5   169
    100654 12 1    99
    100654 12 2    25
    100654 12 5    74
    100654 13 1     2
    100654 13 5     2
    100654 14 1   355
    100654 14 2   355
    100663  1 1 16561
    100663  1 2 11284
    100663  1 5  4302
    100663  1 6   975
    100663  2 1  9537
    100663  2 2  8202
    100663  2 5   858
    100663  2 6   477
    100663  3 1    11
    100663  3 2    11
    100663  4 1  2326
    100663  4 2  2326
    100663  5 1  3051
    100663  5 2  3026
    100663  5 5    14
    100663  5 6    11
    100663  6 1  4149
    100663  6 2  2839
    100663  6 5   844
    100663  6 6   466
    100663  7 1  7024
    100663  7 2  3082
    100663  7 5  3444
    100663  7 6   498
    100663  8 1  3477
    100663  8 2  1503
    100663  8 5  1539
    100663  8 6   435
    100663  9 1  1478
    100663  9 2   658
    100663  9 5   767
    100663  9 6    53
    100663 10 1   789
    100663 10 2   366
    100663 10 5   417
    100663 10 6     6
    100663 11 1   899
    label values efbage label_efbage
    label def label_efbage 1 "All age categories total", modify
    label def label_efbage 2 "Age under 25 total", modify
    label def label_efbage 3 "Age under 18", modify
    label def label_efbage 4 "Age 18-19", modify
    label def label_efbage 5 "Age 20-21", modify
    label def label_efbage 6 "Age 22-24", modify
    label def label_efbage 7 "Age 25 and over total", modify
    label def label_efbage 8 "Age 25-29", modify
    label def label_efbage 9 "Age 30-34", modify
    label def label_efbage 10 "Age 35-39", modify
    label def label_efbage 11 "Age 40-49", modify
    label def label_efbage 12 "Age 50-64", modify
    label def label_efbage 13 "Age 65 and over", modify
    label def label_efbage 14 "Age unknown", modify
    label values lstudy label_lstudy
    label def label_lstudy 1 "All Students total", modify
    label def label_lstudy 2 "Undergraduate", modify
    label def label_lstudy 5 "Graduate", modify
    label def label_lstudy 6 "First professional", modify

  • #2
    For me keep if lstudy == 1 should be starting block , since I just want to find out "All Students total" in each unique unitid for 8 mentioned age categories


    • #3
      This is what I did but I guess i need to line them in one single row for each unitid. I'm not sure how do i do that ?

      * Create variables for each age group
      gen age_under_18_19 = cond(inlist(efbage, 3, 4), efage09, 0)
      gen age_20_24 = cond(inlist(efbage, 5, 6), efage09, 0)
      gen age_25_29 = cond(efbage == 8, efage09, 0)
      gen age_30_34 = cond(efbage == 9, efage09, 0)
      gen age_35_39 = cond(efbage == 10, efage09, 0)
      gen age_40_49 = cond(efbage == 11, efage09, 0)
      gen age_50_64 = cond(efbage == 12, efage09, 0)
      gen age_65_over = cond(efbage == 13, efage09, 0)
      * Calculate the grand total for each unitid
      egen grand_total = rowtotal(age_under_18_19 age_20_24 age_25_29 age_30_34 age_35_39 age_40_49 age_50_64 age_65_over)


      • #4
        Here is one of various simpler approaches, if I understand correctly what you want.

         egen wanted = total(efage09), by(efbage unitid)
        . tabdisp efbage unitid, c(wanted)
                                 |     unitid    
                          efbage | 100654  100663
        All age categories total |  12152   33122
              Age under 25 total |   8772   19074
                    Age under 18 |   1886      22
                       Age 18-19 |   3398    4652
                       Age 20-21 |   1778    6102
                       Age 22-24 |   1710    8298
           Age 25 and over total |   2670   14048
                       Age 25-29 |   1096    6954
                       Age 30-34 |    520    2956
                       Age 35-39 |    328    1578
                       Age 40-49 |    524     899
                       Age 50-64 |    198        
                 Age 65 and over |      4        
                     Age unknown |    710        
        Various tabulation commands will get you a table even more directly, but this method gives you a variable that you may want to use for other purposes.

        . tab efbage unitid [fw=efage09]
                              |        unitid
                       efbage |    100654     100663 |     Total
        All age categories to |    12,152     33,122 |    45,274 
           Age under 25 total |     8,772     19,074 |    27,846 
                 Age under 18 |     1,886         22 |     1,908 
                    Age 18-19 |     3,398      4,652 |     8,050 
                    Age 20-21 |     1,778      6,102 |     7,880 
                    Age 22-24 |     1,710      8,298 |    10,008 
        Age 25 and over total |     2,670     14,048 |    16,718 
                    Age 25-29 |     1,096      6,954 |     8,050 
                    Age 30-34 |       520      2,956 |     3,476 
                    Age 35-39 |       328      1,578 |     1,906 
                    Age 40-49 |       524        899 |     1,423 
                    Age 50-64 |       198          0 |       198 
              Age 65 and over |         4          0 |         4 
                  Age unknown |       710          0 |       710 
                        Total |    35,746     97,705 |   133,451 


        • #5
          Mr. Cox,

          thank you so much! that defnitely was the easier way to tackle this problem. Much obliged for your time !

