As you may be aware I am calculating transition probabilities using Prof Crowther slides using this website :
Ref: Slide 49
(Question 1) Why am I getting this error after -predictms-
ERROR: At least one prediction type must be specified
I don't understand, I've copied and pasted the code from Prof Crowther's slides' (slide 49-50)
I'm sorry I can't paste the screenshot, looks like there is an error on Statalist.
Appreciate any insight
Ref: Slide 49
clear all use,clear msset, id(pid) states(rfi osi) times(rf os) covariates(age) mat tmat = r(transmatrix) //Declare survival data stset _stop, enter(_start) failure(_status=1) scale(12) qui stpm2 age sz2 sz3 nodes hormon pr_1 if _trans1==1, scale(h) df(3) tvc(sz2 sz3 pr_1) dftvc(1) estimates store m1 qui streg age sz2 sz3 nodes hormon pr_1 if _trans2==1, distribution(weibull) estimates store m2 qui stpm2 age sz2 sz3 nodes hormon pr_1 if _trans3==1, scale(h) df(3) tvc(pr_1) dftvc(1) nolog estimates store m3 predictms , transmat(tmat) at1(age 45) timevar(temptime) graph models(m1 m2 m3)
(Question 1) Why am I getting this error after -predictms-
predictms, transmat(tmat) at1(age 45)
ERROR: At least one prediction type must be specified
I don't understand, I've copied and pasted the code from Prof Crowther's slides' (slide 49-50)
I'm sorry I can't paste the screenshot, looks like there is an error on Statalist.
Appreciate any insight