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  • error after predictms - using the exact code by Prof Crowther (stata meeting slides)

    As you may be aware I am calculating transition probabilities using Prof Crowther slides using this website :

    Ref: Slide 49

    clear all
    msset, id(pid) states(rfi osi) times(rf os) covariates(age)
    mat tmat = r(transmatrix)
    //Declare survival data
    stset _stop, enter(_start) failure(_status=1) scale(12)
    qui stpm2 age sz2 sz3 nodes hormon pr_1 if _trans1==1, scale(h) df(3) tvc(sz2 sz3 pr_1) dftvc(1)
    estimates store m1
    qui streg age sz2 sz3 nodes hormon pr_1 if _trans2==1, distribution(weibull)
    estimates store m2
    qui stpm2 age sz2 sz3 nodes hormon pr_1 if _trans3==1, scale(h) df(3) tvc(pr_1) dftvc(1) nolog
    estimates store m3
    predictms , transmat(tmat) at1(age 45) timevar(temptime) graph models(m1 m2 m3)

    (Question 1) Why am I getting this error after -predictms-

    predictms, transmat(tmat) at1(age 45)

    ERROR: At least one prediction type must be specified

    I don't understand, I've copied and pasted the code from Prof Crowther's slides' (slide 49-50)
    I'm sorry I can't paste the screenshot, looks like there is an error on Statalist.

    Appreciate any insight

  • #2
    Michael Crowther appreciate any input.. there have been similar posts from other users. Does -predictms- still work?


    • #3
      Does -predictms- still work?
      ssc install multistate
      help predictms


      • #4
        from help predictms *! version 4.4.1 17jan2023 MJC
        statistic                      Description
              probability                  calculate transition probabilities
              los                          calculate length of stay in each state
              rmst                         calculate restricted mean survival time
              visit                        probability of ever visiting each state
              hazard                       transition-specific hazard function
              survival                     transition-specific survival function
              userfunction(func_name)      user-defined Mata function for bespoke predictions; see details
            At least one of the above options must be specified
        (my emphasis above)


        • #5
          thanks for the above. But I don't understand why MJC didn't specify any of this in his slides.... I've linked his 2018 and attached a screenshot of his 2017 slides

          Using the help above:

          clear all
          msset, id(pid) states(rfi osi) times(rf os) covariates(age)
          //Stores matrix callted tmat name, stores the values from transmatrix
          mat tmat = r(transmatrix)
          //Displays tmat ie the values of transmatrix
          mat list tmat
          //Declare survival data
          stset _stop, enter(_start) failure(_status=1) scale(12)
          streg age_trans1 age_trans2 age_trans3 _trans2 _trans3, dist(weibull)
          range temptime 0 15 100
          predictms, transmat(tmat) at1(age 45) timevar(temptime)
          ERROR: At least one prediction type must be specified
          //Following statalist help:
          predictms, transmat(tmat) probability at1(age 45) timevar(temptime)
          ERROR: Only merlin models are supported
          What is this merlin model? I've haven't found anyone with a similar problems. iT WOULD be great if these 2018/2017 slides are updated.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 22.20.32.png
Views:	2
Size:	214.7 KB
ID:	1749188
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Denise Vella; 07 Apr 2024, 16:38.


          • #6
            Of note, I also check the latest predictms help section

            and modified my code as recommended by the help

            clear all
            msset, id(pid) states(rfi osi) times(rf os) covariates(age)
            //Stores matrix callted tmat name, stores the values from transmatrix
            mat tmat = r(transmatrix)
            //Displays tmat ie the values of transmatrix
            mat list tmat
            //Declare survival data
            stset _stop, enter(_start) failure(_status=1) scale(12)
            stmerlin age if _trans1==1, distribution(weibull)
            estimate store m1
            stmerlin age if _trans2==1, distribution(weibull)
            estimate store m2
            stmerlin age if _trans3==1, distribution(weibull)
            estimate store m3
            ///transition probabilities for a patient with age 50  
            predictms, transmatrix(tmat) models(m1 m2 m3) probability at1(age 50)
            However I obtain the following error:

            Any thoughts? THe 2017/2018 slides looked so simple, yet there's been an. update somewhere in the process
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 23.18.56.png
Views:	1
Size:	102.3 KB
ID:	1749192

