hi i'm trying to learn how to calculate transition probailities for a 3 state markov model
I'm following prof crowther notes, really useful
However, in Figure 4 (slide 30) he shows 3 graphs comparing Nelson-Aalen fits which has a blue line (model) and red line (estimate) , which is normally generated from
However, in his case he doesn't demonstrate the code used.
Using his code and attempted to plot N-A estimates, I only produce the actual model fit and not the red line, which I assume is the estimate
How can I modify the code below to generate similar graphs he produced in one panel ?
I'm following prof crowther notes, really useful
However, in Figure 4 (slide 30) he shows 3 graphs comparing Nelson-Aalen fits which has a blue line (model) and red line (estimate) , which is normally generated from
sts graph, na
Using his code and attempted to plot N-A estimates, I only produce the actual model fit and not the red line, which I assume is the estimate
How can I modify the code below to generate similar graphs he produced in one panel ?
//RP model with 3 degrees of freedom stpm2 if _trans1==1, scale(h) df(3) sts graph, na //Weibull model streg if _trans2==1, distribution(weibull) //RP model with 3 degrees of freedom stpm2 if _trans3==1, scale(h) df(3)