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  • Region Fixed Effects

    Hi all!

    My data is in panel form and consists of rows containing unique locations and columns with variables pertaining to those locations. Each row has a Year associated with it and my dataset is spread across five years in total. I have tagged each location with a macroregion to which it belongs. Since there are multiple locations within each macroregion, I cannot use xtset to form my data with a panel variable and a time variable.

    . xtset AgriculturalYearbook Year
    repeated time values within panel
    I would very much appreciate any help!

    Harry Toube

  • #2
    It is not too clear what you are asking for. If you can share an excerpt of your dataset (or its structure), it might help. You already have a column with "year/time" variable so can't see what is the problem.


    • #3
      the reply to your answer is conditional on needing (or not) time-series operators (such as lags and leads) in your -xtreg,fe- regression equation.
      If you do not need them, you can safely -xtset- your dataset with -panelid- only and include -i.timevar- in your regression equation.
      Conversely, if you need time-series operators you should find more detailed dates for your observations.
      Kind regards,
      (StataNow 18.5)

