For my undergrad dissertation I am looking to estimate a gravity model of bilateral M&A flows for countries in Europe from 2000-2012. I have read much of the literature on gravity models for trade and they recommend to include intranational, or domestic, trade flows in the estimation, calculating them by DomTrade = IndustrialProduction - Exports, or something similar to this. For me, as I am looking at M&A deals, it would just be the number of domestic M&A deals for each country. This is something I definitely want to include, as my aim is to measure the extent of home bias in M&A.
My question was regarding the formulation of the model when intranational trade flows are included. When they are excluded a simple cross-sectional specification is:
lnTradeij = a(lnXi) + b(lnXj) + c(lnZij) + eij for i=/=j
where last term is just the error. i is for importer , j is for exporter.
Xi is vector of importer-specific variables (like GDP), Xj is vector of exporter-specific variables (GDP), Zij is vector of pair-specific bilateral variables (distance).
I understand usually there will be importer and exporter FE but just abstracting from that for now.
When intranational trade flows are included, we can have i = j.
1. For the unilateral variables, they now appear twice for these observations - Xi = Xj e.g. GDPi = GDPj. If we include fixed effects for importer and exporter we get the same thing I think - the fixed effects are equal for the domestic observations
Is this an issue - and should this be solved by interacting all the exporter-specific variables Xj with a dummy = 1 when i=/=j? So replacing Xj with (INTERij * Xj) where INTERij = 1 when i=/=j
The idea being that monodic variables should not enter twice if i = j.
2. For the dyadic (bilateral) variables Zij like distance, I collected them from the CEPII database and some are counterintuitively coded e.g. (ComLangij, a dummy for whether i and j share same official language, is 0 when i=j). The interpretation for some of them is also a bit ambiguous when i=j e.g. FTAij, a dummy that equals 1 when countries share a free trade agreement.
Would these need to be recoded by me to make intuitive sense, or does their value for domestic trade flows not matter when a HOMEij dummy is also included as a regressor.
In other words, putting 1 and 2 together, is the below a suitable specification to run in the presence of domestic trade flows:
lnTradeij = k(HOMEij) + a(lnXi) + b(lnXj * INTERij) + c(lnYij) + eij for all i,j
where HOMEij = 1 when i = j
and INTERij = 1 when i=/=j (so they are just opposites)
Apologies if this question is not Stata-focused enough and more metrics-focused.
If anyone could help out or point me in the right direction for the correct way to include intranational flows in the gravity model, I would be very grateful.
Thank you!
For my undergrad dissertation I am looking to estimate a gravity model of bilateral M&A flows for countries in Europe from 2000-2012. I have read much of the literature on gravity models for trade and they recommend to include intranational, or domestic, trade flows in the estimation, calculating them by DomTrade = IndustrialProduction - Exports, or something similar to this. For me, as I am looking at M&A deals, it would just be the number of domestic M&A deals for each country. This is something I definitely want to include, as my aim is to measure the extent of home bias in M&A.
My question was regarding the formulation of the model when intranational trade flows are included. When they are excluded a simple cross-sectional specification is:
lnTradeij = a(lnXi) + b(lnXj) + c(lnZij) + eij for i=/=j
where last term is just the error. i is for importer , j is for exporter.
Xi is vector of importer-specific variables (like GDP), Xj is vector of exporter-specific variables (GDP), Zij is vector of pair-specific bilateral variables (distance).
I understand usually there will be importer and exporter FE but just abstracting from that for now.
When intranational trade flows are included, we can have i = j.
1. For the unilateral variables, they now appear twice for these observations - Xi = Xj e.g. GDPi = GDPj. If we include fixed effects for importer and exporter we get the same thing I think - the fixed effects are equal for the domestic observations
Is this an issue - and should this be solved by interacting all the exporter-specific variables Xj with a dummy = 1 when i=/=j? So replacing Xj with (INTERij * Xj) where INTERij = 1 when i=/=j
The idea being that monodic variables should not enter twice if i = j.
2. For the dyadic (bilateral) variables Zij like distance, I collected them from the CEPII database and some are counterintuitively coded e.g. (ComLangij, a dummy for whether i and j share same official language, is 0 when i=j). The interpretation for some of them is also a bit ambiguous when i=j e.g. FTAij, a dummy that equals 1 when countries share a free trade agreement.
Would these need to be recoded by me to make intuitive sense, or does their value for domestic trade flows not matter when a HOMEij dummy is also included as a regressor.
In other words, putting 1 and 2 together, is the below a suitable specification to run in the presence of domestic trade flows:
lnTradeij = k(HOMEij) + a(lnXi) + b(lnXj * INTERij) + c(lnYij) + eij for all i,j
where HOMEij = 1 when i = j
and INTERij = 1 when i=/=j (so they are just opposites)
Apologies if this question is not Stata-focused enough and more metrics-focused.
If anyone could help out or point me in the right direction for the correct way to include intranational flows in the gravity model, I would be very grateful.
Thank you!