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  • table/collect: do operations between columns / levels of a dimension

    Hello. I'm trying to learn if there is a way to do operations between columns produced by a table. Starting from the following minimal code example, I'd like to get a table that shows the White/Black ratio of union membership for every age, as the second table shows. Is it possible to do something like this using table/collect commands? I've been reading the manuals, the help, and the forums, and I can't figure it out.

    . sysuse nlsw88, clear
    (NLSW, 1988 extract)
    . table (age) (race), stat(mean union) nformat(%3.2fc)
                        |               Race            
                        |  White   Black   Other   Total
    Age in current year |                               
      34                |   0,32    0,45    0,00    0,35
      35                |   0,22    0,22    0,00    0,21
      36                |   0,17    0,22    0,00    0,18
      37                |   0,24    0,37    0,50    0,29       *0,24/0,37=0,65
      38                |   0,21    0,39    0,00    0,26
      39                |   0,28    0,32    0,50    0,29
      40                |   0,18    0,26            0,20
      41                |   0,23    0,24    0,50    0,24
      42                |   0,19    0,47    0,50    0,25
      43                |   0,24    0,33    0,67    0,27
      44                |   0,26    0,18    0,00    0,24
      45                |   0,22    0,33            0,25
      46                |   0,50                    0,50
      Total             |   0,22    0,30    0,33    0,25

    Age in current White/Black
    34 0.71
    35 1.00
    36 0.77
    37 0.65
    38 0.54
    39 0.88
    40 0.69
    41 0.96
    42 0.40
    43 0.73
    44 1.44
    45 0.67
    46 #DIV/0!
    Total 0.73

  • #2
    table and collect do not provide a way to generate new results from existing results within a collection. You will have to build results or a dataset with the values of interest before collection.

    Here is one way to do this, using your working example.
    clear all
    sysuse nlsw88
    * original table
    table (age) (race), stat(mean union) nformat(%3.2fc)
    * find values labeled "White" and "Black"
    label list racelbl
    * compute the ratio for the whole sample; to be appended to the
    * collapsed dataset
    sum union if race == 1
    local mean_union1 = r(mean)
    sum union if race == 2
    local mean_union2 = r(mean)
    local tot_ratio = `mean_union1'/`mean_union2'
    * copy the current frame
    frame copy default collapsed
    frame collapsed {
        * get cell means
        collapse (mean) union if inlist(race,1,2), by(age race)
        * reshape so we can compute the ratios
        reshape wide union , i(age) j(race)
        gen ratio = union1/union2
        * keep the variables we need for our table
        keep age ratio
        * add the ratio for the whole sample; using 999 as a code to the whole
        * sample, and label it "Overall"
        expand 2 in l
        replace age = 999 in l
        replace ratio = `tot_ratio' in l
        label define agelbl 999 "Overall"
        label values age agelbl
        * build table of ratios by age
        table (age), stat(first ratio) nototal nformat(%9.2f)
    * fix label of result
    collect label levels result first "White/Black", modify
    * replay table
    collect preview
    Here is the resulting table.
                        |  White/Black
    Age in current year |
      34                |         0.71
      35                |         1.00
      36                |         0.75
      37                |         0.65
      38                |         0.53
      39                |         0.87
      40                |         0.69
      41                |         0.95
      42                |         0.40
      43                |         0.73
      44                |         1.43
      45                |         0.67
      46                |            .
      Overall           |         0.74


    • #3
      Thanks, Jeff. It'd be an interesting new feature if it was capable of doing so.

