I am currently running a logit regression estimating the effect of trade unions on the probability of being classed as 'low-paid' (binary dependent variable). I have run my initial regression with a bunch of controls. I am trying to split my sample so I can see how the probability of being low-paid differs for male union workers compared to female union workers. I have implemented the following code. Does the code achieve what I am trying to get to?
* Model for male union workers.
logit poverty union i.SEX i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r, if MALE==1
* Model for female union workers.
logit poverty union i.SEX i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r, if MALE==0
I am currently running a logit regression estimating the effect of trade unions on the probability of being classed as 'low-paid' (binary dependent variable). I have run my initial regression with a bunch of controls. I am trying to split my sample so I can see how the probability of being low-paid differs for male union workers compared to female union workers. I have implemented the following code. Does the code achieve what I am trying to get to?
* Model for male union workers.
logit poverty union i.SEX i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r, if MALE==1
* Model for female union workers.
logit poverty union i.SEX i.GORWKR i.HIQUL22D i.AGEEUL i.ETHUKEUL i. MARSTA i.MPNR02 i.INDC07M i.SC20MMJ i.FTPT i.JOBTYP, r, if MALE==0