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  • Do file prematurely ending when ran in batch mode on Unix Server

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to using batch mode via a remote server to run Stata code. I have a do file that 1) loads in a .dta file, does some very basic data cleaning, and then runs a regression. Specific code below:

    Developer: Kelsey O'Hollaren
    Initial Date: 
    ** Universal settings 
    clear all
    set more off 
    set maxvar 50000 // necessary given all the fixed effects! 
    use "~/Data/Analytic_HMDA_Subset.dta"
    sort ImportParcelID Year
    drop if RepeatSale == 0
    replace SellerBlack = blackHMDA[_n-1] 
    replace SellerWhite = whiteHMDA[_n-1] 
    replace SellerAPI = APIHMDA[_n-1]  
    replace SellerLatino = latinoHMDA[_n-1] 
    di "Testing to see if this thing works"
    regress log_assesssale SellerBlack SellerLatino SellerAPI i.TaxJur i.Year , cluster(TaxJur)

    I'm using the nohup stata-mp -b command to run the do-file, but the log output ends after the
    di "Testing to see if this thing works"
    command. I'm not sure if I'm using improper syntax or something OR that the log doesn't print anything until the regression output is available -- it's nearly 500,0000 observations with 17,000 fixed effects, in addition to covariates of interest, which obviously takes a while to run.

    If anyone could provide some insight here, I'd appreciate it.


  • #2
    What happens when you add an empty line after the regress command?
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      In addition to Maarten Buis 's good tip, I would try a test case with a small subset of your units so you don't have to wait around to see if the regress command completes successfully.

      You could also look at some of the high-dimensional fixed effects estimators like reghdfe, those may handle your case better.


      • #4
        Thanks for the speedy resposes:

        Maarten Buis, do you mean an empty line between "regress" command and the variables in my model? ie

        log_assesssale SellerBlack SellerLatino SellerAPI i.TaxJur i.Year , cluster(TaxJur)
        in that case, I get a "Error: last estimate not found" message.

        Bert Lloyd, thanks for the suggestions! Similar issue when I use

         sample 10 
         log_assesssale SellerBlack SellerLatino SellerAPI i.TaxJur i.Year , cluster(TaxJur)
        .I'll have to see if I can install packages on the remote version of Stata I'm using. I also tried running the regression through the GUI and it takes a long while, no surprise. It's possible I'm just being too impatient .


        • #5
          No, I mean an empty line at the very end of the file. In older versions Stata needed a end of line character to know where the command ends. If you did not add an empty line at the end, Stata would not know that the last command ended, as there was no end of line character there, so it would not execute the last command.
          Maarten L. Buis
          University of Konstanz
          Department of history and sociology
          box 40
          78457 Konstanz



          • #6
            Got it. I don't think that was an issue - I'm using Stata 18 anyways. I also got the model to run using a ten percent sample in combination with the reghdfe command (turns out I could install it after all). Currently running the job on the full data set. I'll be back in touch to report if it works or not.



            • #7
              Happy to report everything works just fine now. Thanks for both your input, Maarten Buis and Bert Lloyd.


              • #8
                Kelsey OHollaren please share what solved your problem in case others come across this in the future


                • #9
                  I *think* the problem was solved by using reghdfe -- much more efficient, it seems. running batch mode works as expected now. thanks all

