Dear all, I am running a fixed effects model with the the following outcome:
The variables NOMCOMM until ATT are independent variables, the rest are controls . I also run separate models for each "set" of independent variables (e.g., one model only with NOMCOMM and NOMCOMM_IND as indep. var. and so on). Now the significances of the different variables are usually the same between the "joint" model and the separate model. However, AUDCOMM is insignificant in the joint model (as shown above) but significant at the 5% level in the model where only AUDCOMM and AUDCOMM_IND are included as independent variables next to the controls. Now my question is:
What is the most likely reason for this? Is it just that AUDCOMM might be impacted by some of the other independent variables that are included in the joint model? Or is there something else that could be the reason? I have found out through a VIF and correlation matrix analysis that multicollinearity is not a problem in the dataset (VIF < 2 for all variables in the joint model).
Thanks a lot in advance!
xtreg EMTOTAL NOMCOMM NOMCOMM_IND COMPCOMM COMPCOMM_IND AUDCOMM AUDCOMM_IND ATT SUSCOMM BSIZE BGD INC INDEP DUAL ROA LEV FSIZE MULT SKILLS i.YEAR, fe vce(cluster ID) // NOMCOMM_IND*; COMPCOMM_IND**; AUDCOMM_IND**; FSIZE***; MULT** Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 2,197 Group variable: ID Number of groups = 374 R-squared: Obs per group: Within = 0.2327 min = 1 Between = 0.3455 avg = 5.9 Overall = 0.3084 max = 12 F(28, 373) = . corr(u_i, Xb) = 0.3376 Prob > F = . (Std. err. adjusted for 374 clusters in ID) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust EMTOTAL | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- NOMCOMM | .2009752 .1856693 1.08 0.280 -.1641146 .566065 NOMCOMM_IND | -.0047824 .0028462 -1.68 0.094 -.010379 .0008141 COMPCOMM | .1019664 .1088173 0.94 0.349 -.1120058 .3159386 COMPCOMM_IND | .0129957 .0054742 2.37 0.018 .0022316 .0237599 AUDCOMM | .2679236 .3238402 0.83 0.409 -.3688578 .904705 AUDCOMM_IND | -.0148516 .0058586 -2.54 0.012 -.0263715 -.0033316 ATT | .0000887 .001503 0.06 0.953 -.0028667 .0030441 SUSCOMM | .0202437 .046531 0.44 0.664 -.0712522 .1117396 BSIZE | -.1299499 .1058398 -1.23 0.220 -.3380674 .0781677 BGD | .0000569 .0023852 0.02 0.981 -.0046332 .004747 INC | .0149433 .026777 0.56 0.577 -.0377096 .0675962 INDEP | -.003699 .0035347 -1.05 0.296 -.0106493 .0032514 DUAL | -.0500078 .0593761 -0.84 0.400 -.1667617 .0667461 ROA | -.0103688 .0201865 -0.51 0.608 -.0500624 .0293249 LEV | -.3416139 .214623 -1.59 0.112 -.7636366 .0804088 FSIZE | .4993285 .0971064 5.14 0.000 .3083838 .6902731 MULT | .2298811 .091051 2.52 0.012 .0508436 .4089186 SKILLS | .0003486 .001168 0.30 0.765 -.001948 .0026453 | YEAR | 2012 | -.138169 .0659451 -2.10 0.037 -.2678397 -.0084983 2013 | -.2258837 .0604424 -3.74 0.000 -.3447343 -.1070331 2014 | -.266024 .059275 -4.49 0.000 -.3825791 -.1494689 2015 | -.2482914 .057194 -4.34 0.000 -.3607545 -.1358284 2016 | -.2634871 .0606245 -4.35 0.000 -.3826957 -.1442784 2017 | -.3663103 .0613012 -5.98 0.000 -.4868496 -.245771 2018 | -.3977307 .0642845 -6.19 0.000 -.5241363 -.2713251 2019 | -.4206851 .0652578 -6.45 0.000 -.5490044 -.2923657 2020 | -.4750202 .0725768 -6.55 0.000 -.6177312 -.3323092 2021 | -.5931662 .07366 -8.05 0.000 -.738007 -.4483253 2022 | -.6212537 .0779522 -7.97 0.000 -.7745346 -.4679729 2023 | -.6250788 .0816359 -7.66 0.000 -.7856032 -.4645545 | _cons | 2.565551 2.273944 1.13 0.260 -1.905806 7.036907 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_u | 2.0473429 sigma_e | .31648166 rho | .97666218 (fraction of variance due to u_i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What is the most likely reason for this? Is it just that AUDCOMM might be impacted by some of the other independent variables that are included in the joint model? Or is there something else that could be the reason? I have found out through a VIF and correlation matrix analysis that multicollinearity is not a problem in the dataset (VIF < 2 for all variables in the joint model).
Thanks a lot in advance!