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  • How to perform Dynamic Factor Model (DFM) on STATA?

    I want to construct an index using Dynamic Factor Model (DFM). I have 6 dimensions and there are around 2-5 variables under each dimension.

    1. As far as I read there are some augmented forms of the model like generalized DFM, Bayesian DFM.
    Which one should I use? And can someone guide me step-by-step? A tutorial video might help as I am new to STATA.

    2.There is a video on factor analysis using the command "factor variable1 variable2...." - is this something different? Cause STATA guide book shows the command involving 'dfactor'.....and as a new user I find the Guide/Help document of STATA challenging to interpret.

    Thank you.
    P.S. I'm on STATA version 13