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  • [fixed effects with panel data]

    Good afternoon,

    Thanks in advance for all your sincere replies.

    I would like to run a fixed effects regression analysis. Specifically, recipient and year fixed effects.

    After declaring the data panel,
    - for recipient fixed effects, I used : xtreg A B C, fe
    - for year fixed effects, I used : xtreg A B C, fe i(year)

    however, I am struggling to code the fixed effects for both 'recipient and year'.

    Would you mind guiding the code? or any reference to further my studies?

    Below is the partial example of the dataset.

    Thanks for your guidance.

    * cf. dataset
    donor recipient year A B C
    Australia Cambodia 2006 15.6761 6.632849 16.41655
    Australia Cambodia 2007 14.46832 6.712657 16.43398
    Australia Cambodia 2008 16.84349 6.760863 16.45055
    Australia Indonesia 2006 17.68763 7.725302 19.26137
    Australia Indonesia 2007 16.55506 7.773702 19.27449
    Australia Indonesia 2008 18.72868 7.819078 19.28751
    Australia Myanmar 2006 15.56305 6.370142 17.68855
    Australia Myanmar 2007 12.27384 6.475989 17.69595
    Australia Myanmar 2008 13.4866 6.567776 17.7018
    Japan Cambodia 2006 18.08964 6.632849 16.41655
    Japan Cambodia 2007 17.52746 6.712657 16.43398
    Japan Cambodia 2008 17.84096 6.760863 16.45055
    Japan Indonesia 2006 20.4099 7.725302 19.26137
    Japan Indonesia 2007 20.01523 7.773702 19.27449
    Japan Indonesia 2008 19.84148 7.819078 19.28751
    Japan Myanmar 2006 15.74993 6.370142 17.68855
    Japan Myanmar 2007 15.93556 6.475989 17.69595
    Japan Myanmar 2008 15.61897 6.567776 17.7018
    Korea Cambodia 2006 17.59684 6.632849 16.41655
    Korea Cambodia 2007 16.13776 6.712657 16.43398
    Korea Cambodia 2008 17.61307 6.760863 16.45055
    Korea Indonesia 2006 17.63255 7.725302 19.26137
    Korea Indonesia 2007 16.69011 7.773702 19.27449
    Korea Indonesia 2008 16.71284 7.819078 19.28751
    Korea Myanmar 2006 14.90106 6.370142 17.68855
    Korea Myanmar 2007 14.04117 6.475989 17.69595
    Korea Myanmar 2008 15.39696 6.567776 17.7018
    United States Cambodia 2006 14.82884 6.632849 16.41655
    United States Cambodia 2007 15.35317 6.712657 16.43398
    United States Cambodia 2008 16.05363 6.760863 16.45055
    United States Indonesia 2006 14.13951 7.725302 19.26137
    United States Indonesia 2007 17.04679 7.773702 19.27449
    United States Indonesia 2008 17.26984 7.819078 19.28751
    United States Myanmar 2006   6.370142 17.68855
    United States Myanmar 2007   6.475989 17.69595
    United States Myanmar 2008 12.17081 6.567776 17.7018

  • #2
    see the community-contributed module -reghdfe-.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      What about?
      * LSDV, xtlsdvc, Bias corrected LSDV dynamic panel data models
      net install st0091, from(

