I have to answer this for my MicroData paper: Do reported wages vary by month? If so, would it be enough to control for variation by quarter of the year?
I did
gen quarter = ceil(month/3)
reg lnwage i.quarter c.age##c.age i.wbhaom forborn forborn_old married ownchild unmem multjob rural centcity suburb i(8/16).educ92 i.occ_m03 uhourse, robust
estimate store model1
reg lnwage i.month i.quarter c.age##c.age i.wbhaom forborn forborn_old married ownchild unmem multjob rural centcity suburb i(8/16).educ92 i.occ_m03 uhourse, robust
estimate store model2
test model1=model2
But I keep getting r(111) model1 not found, also for model2 not found, but if I estimate tab and both models are stored.
What can I do?
Thanks in advanced.
I did
gen quarter = ceil(month/3)
reg lnwage i.quarter c.age##c.age i.wbhaom forborn forborn_old married ownchild unmem multjob rural centcity suburb i(8/16).educ92 i.occ_m03 uhourse, robust
estimate store model1
reg lnwage i.month i.quarter c.age##c.age i.wbhaom forborn forborn_old married ownchild unmem multjob rural centcity suburb i(8/16).educ92 i.occ_m03 uhourse, robust
estimate store model2
test model1=model2
But I keep getting r(111) model1 not found, also for model2 not found, but if I estimate tab and both models are stored.
What can I do?
Thanks in advanced.